Content Page
List of Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................... VIII
CHAPTER - I ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER – II .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. THE PROGRAMME ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Objectives of PMMVY ............................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Target beneficiaries................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Benefits under PMMVY .......................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Conditionalities and Instalments ........................................................................................... 3
2.5 Closure of old Maternity Benefit Programme ....................................................................... 4
CHAPTER – III ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3. PROCESSING OF CLAIMS ............................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Registration and submission of claims to AWW/ASHA/ANM ................................................ 5
3.1.1 Registration under the Scheme: .................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Processing of the claim for First Instalment .................................................................. 6
3.1.3 Processing of the claim for Second Instalment .............................................................. 7
3.1.4 Processing of the claim for Third Instalment ................................................................. 7
3.2 Processing by Supervisor/ANM .............................................................................................. 8
3.3 Processing by CDPO/MO ........................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Processing for initiation of payment by State Nodal Officer (SNO) ....................................... 8
3.5 Amount and conditions for payment of incentives ............................................................... 8
3.6 Bunching of Instalments ........................................................................................................ 9
3.7 Payment to beneficiaries ..................................................................................................... 11
3.8 Verification of the Conditionalities ...................................................................................... 11
3.8.1 Verification by AWW/ASHA/ ANM .............................................................................. 11
3.8.2 Verification by Supervisor/ ANM ................................................................................. 11
3.8.3 Verification by Sanctioning Officer (CDPO/MO) .......................................................... 11
3.8.4 Special Conditions ........................................................................................................ 11
3.9 Roles and Responsibilities at various levels ......................................................................... 12
4. IMPLEMENTATION MODALITIES ................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Implementing Department .................................................................................................. 13
4.2 PMMVY Section/Cell in MWCD ............................................................................................ 13
4.3 Establishment of PMMVY Cell in States / UTs ..................................................................... 13
4.4 Use of Flexi Funds ................................................................................................................ 14
4.5 Payment of DBT Transaction Charges .................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER - V ......................................................................................................................................... 15
5 FUND FLOW AND DISBURSAL MECHANISM ............................................................................... 15
5.1 Fund Flow ............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Escrow Account .................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Sanctioning Authority .......................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Disbursement Mechanism ................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Financial Provisions .............................................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER - VI ........................................................................................................................................ 17
6 RECORDS, REPORTS, MONITORING AND EVALUATION ............................................................... 17
6.1 Records................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1.1 General Instructions ..................................................................................................... 17
6.1.2 Guidelines for Record Retention .................................................................................. 17
6.1.3 PMMVY Register (Monthly Progress Reports) ............................................................. 17
6.1.4 Reports Generated from PMMVY-CAS ........................................................................ 17
6.1.5 Utilisation Certificate and Statement of Expenditure .................................................. 17
6.2 Monitoring and Review of the Programme ......................................................................... 18
6.3 SOCIAL AUDITS/ADDRESSING GRIEVANCES ......................................................................... 19
6.4 Evaluation: ........................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER – VII ...................................................................................................................................... 20
7 CAPACITY BUILDING AND CONVERGENCE ................................................................................... 20
7.1 Capacity Building & Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities: .............. 20
7.2 Inter-departmental convergence: ........................................................................................ 20
Annexures ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Annexure – A ....................................................................................................................................... 23
List of PMMVY implementing departments for each State/UT......................................................... 23
Annexure-B .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Instructions for the Anganwadi Worker/Health Worker for filling up PMMVY Forms .................... 25
1.1. Introduction: ........................................................................................................................ 25
1.2. General Instructions: ............................................................................................................ 26
1.3. Form 1-A: Application for Registration under PMMVY and First Instalment ...................... 26
1.4. Form 1-B: Submission of fulfilment of Condition by Beneficiary (Second Instalment) ....... 29
1.5. Form 1-C: Submission of fulfilment of Condition by Beneficiary (Third Instalment) ........... 30
1.6. Bunching of Benefits: ........................................................................................................... 32
1.7. Form 2-A: Application for Aadhaar Seeding Of Bank Account of Beneficiary ..................... 34
1.8. PART 2–B: Application for Aadhaar Seeding Of Post Office Account of Beneficiary ........... 34
1.9. PART 2-C: Application for Aadhaar Enrollment and Correction Form ................................. 34
1.10. Form 3: Form for updating beneficiary details: ............................................................... 36
1.11. Form 4: Monthly Record of Beneficiaries ........................................................................ 37
1.12. Form 4-A: Register Format For Recording Beneficiary Details For The Reporting Month37
1.13. Form 4-B: Monthly Status Of PMMVY Beneficiaries Registered At
AWC/Village/Approved Health Facility ............................................................................................ 37
Annexure C .......................................................................................................................................... 40
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES AT VARIOUS LEVELS ............................................................................... 40
1 Roles and Responsibilities of Anganwadi Worker (AWW) ........................................................... 40
1.1 Information Dissemination .................................................................................................. 40
1.2 Identification of Potential Beneficiaries .............................................................................. 40
1.3 Assist Beneficiaries for Registration under the Scheme ...................................................... 40
1.4 Acceptance and Verification of Form(s) .............................................................................. 40
1.5 Acknowledgement and PMMVY Register Entry ................................................................... 40
1.6 Submission of Form(s) to Supervisor ................................................................................... 41
1.7 Corrections to Form(s) already submitted ........................................................................... 41
1.8 Maintaining the PMMVY Register ........................................................................................ 41
1.9 Dissemination of Beneficiary Payments, Grievance Handling ............................................. 41
1.10 Promoting Scheme objective ............................................................................................... 42
1.11 Proper maintenance of record ............................................................................................. 42
2 Roles and Responsibilities of Anganwadi Helper (AWH) ............................................................. 43
3 Roles and Responsibilities of ASHA/ANM .................................................................................... 43
3.1 Information Dissemination .................................................................................................. 43
3.2 Identification of Potential Beneficiaries .............................................................................. 43
3.3 Assist Beneficiaries for Registration under the Scheme ...................................................... 43
3.4 Acceptance and Verification of Form(s) .............................................................................. 43
3.5 Acknowledgement and PMMVY Register Entry ................................................................... 43
3.6 Submission of Form(s) for Processing .................................................................................. 44
3.7 Corrections to Form(s) already submitted ........................................................................... 44
3.8 Maintaining the PMMVY Register ........................................................................................ 44
3.9 Dissemination of Beneficiary Payments & Grievance Handling .......................................... 44
3.10 Promoting scheme objective ............................................................................................... 45
3.11 Proper maintenance of record ............................................................................................. 45
4 Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisor/ANM ............................................................................ 45
4.1 Training and Scheme Facilitation of AWW/AWH/ASHA/ANM ............................................ 45
4.2 Collection, Verification and Acknowledgement of Form(s) ................................................. 45
4.3 Submission of the Form(s) at Project Office/ Health Block Office ....................................... 46
4.4 Monitoring Activities ............................................................................................................ 46
4.5 Handling Exceptional Cases ................................................................................................. 46
4.6 Grievance Handling and Escalation ...................................................................................... 46
4.7 Proper maintenance of record ............................................................................................. 46
5 Roles and Responsibilities officer at Block/Project level implementing PMMVY ........................ 47
5.1 General Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 47
5.2 Collection of Form(s) from Supervisor/ANM ....................................................................... 47
5.3 Data Entry in PMMVY System .............................................................................................. 47
5.4 Updating Beneficiary Details in System ............................................................................... 48
5.5 Approvals of Beneficiary Registration and Instalment Claims ............................................. 48
5.6 Reports Generation .............................................................................................................. 48
5.7 Storage of Physical Form(s) .................................................................................................. 48
5.8 Periodic Review of PMMVY Implementation ...................................................................... 49
5.9 Grievance Handling and Escalation ...................................................................................... 49
6 Roles and Responsibilities of District Nodal Officer (DNO) .......................................................... 50
6.1 General Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 50
6.2 Setup in the PMMVY System ............................................................................................... 50
6.3 Grievance Handling .............................................................................................................. 50
7 Roles and Responsibilities of State/UT Nodal Officer (SNO) ....................................................... 51
7.1 General Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 51
7.2 Initial Activities for Launch of PMMVY ................................................................................ 51
7.3 Payments and Fund Management ....................................................................................... 51
7.4 Grievance Handling and Escalation ...................................................................................... 52
8 Roles and Responsibilities of Central Nodal Officer (CNO) .......................................................... 53
8.1 General Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 53
8.2 Initial Setup of PMMVY Requirements ................................................................................ 53
8.3 PMMVY IT Solution related responsibilities......................................................................... 53
8.4 Payments and Fund Management ....................................................................................... 53
8.5 Grievance Handling and Escalation ...................................................................................... 54
Annexure –D ........................................................................................................................................ 55
Notification in accordance with Section-7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 ............................................... 55
Annexure – E ........................................................................................................................................ 60
Means for Verification of the Conditionalities ................................................................................... 60
Annexure – F ........................................................................................................................................ 61
PMMVY Cells ....................................................................................................................................... 61
1. National PMMVY Cell .............................................................................................................. 61
Composition .................................................................................................................................... 61
Function ........................................................................................................................................... 61
2. State PMMVY Cell: .................................................................................................................. 61
Composition .................................................................................................................................... 61
Function ........................................................................................................................................... 61
3. District PMMVY Cell ................................................................................................................ 62
Composition .................................................................................................................................... 62
Function ........................................................................................................................................... 62
Annexure-G .......................................................................................................................................... 63
Financial provisions under the PMMVY ............................................................................................. 63
Budgetary norms for PMMVY Cells .................................................................................................... 64
1. National PMMVY Section/Cell .................................................................................................... 64
2. State Level ................................................................................................................................... 65
3. District Level ................................................................................................................................ 66
Annexure H .......................................................................................................................................... 67
Guidelines for Flexi-Funds within Centrally Sponsored Schemes ..................................................... 67
Annexure I ........................................................................................................................................... 69
Banking Arrangements of the State/District Level implementing Agencies handling Central
Sector/Centrally Sponsored Schemes ................................................................................................ 69
Annexure J ........................................................................................................................................... 71
REPORTS FROM PMMVY-CAS ............................................................................................................. 71
Annexure K .......................................................................................................................................... 72
PMMVY Steering and Monitoring Committees .................................................................................. 72
1. National-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee (PMMVY) ............................................ 72
2. PMMVY State/UT-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee .............................................. 73
3. PMMVY District-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee ................................................. 74
4. PMMVY Block-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee .................................................... 74
5. PMMVY Village-Level Monitoring and Supervision Committee ............................................ 74
Annexure L ........................................................................................................................................... 75
First Cycle of Immunization ................................................................................................................ 75
Annexure M ......................................................................................................................................... 76
List of Districts Covered under Old MBP (IGMSY) .............................................................................. 76
PMMVY Forms ..................................................................................................................................... 77
PMMVY Form 1: Registration and Submission of Claims .................................................................. 78
Form 1-A .............................................................................................................................................. 79
Form 1-B .............................................................................................................................................. 85
Form 1-C ............................................................................................................................................... 88
PMMVY Form 2: Facilitation for documents required ....................................................................... 91
Form 2-A .............................................................................................................................................. 92
Form 2-B .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Form 2-C ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Form 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 97
Form 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 101
MONTHLY RECORD OF BENEFICIARIES UNDER PMMVY .................................................................. 101
Form 4-A ............................................................................................................................................ 102
Form 4-B ............................................................................................................................................ 103
MONTHLY STATUS OF PMMVY BENEFECIARIES REGISTERED .......................................................... 103
Form 5 ................................................................................................................................................ 106
FORM 5-A ....................................................................................................................................... 106
FUND AVAILBILITY IN ESCROW ACCOUNT.................................................................................... 106
FORM 5-B ....................................................................................................................................... 107
QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE PMMVY................................................................... 107
FORM 5-C ....................................................................................................................................... 113
ANNUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE PMMVY ........................................................................ 113
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviations Description
1 ANC Ante-Natal Check-up
2 ANM Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife
3 ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist
4 AWC Anganwadi Centre
5 AWH Anganwadi Helper
6 AWW Anganwadi Worker
7 BCG Bacille Calmette Guerin
8 CAS Common Application Software
9 CDPO Child Development Project Officer
10 CGMS Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
11 CHC Community Health Centre
12 CMO Chief Medical Officer
13 CNO Central Nodal Officer
14 DAVP Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
15 DBT Direct Benefit Transfer
16 DDO Drawing and Disbursing Officer
17 DEO Data Entry Operator
18 DG Director General
19 DNO District Nodal Officer
20 DPO District Programme Officer
21 DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus
22 DSC Digital Signature Certificate
23 EID Aadhaar Enrolment ID
24 GOI Government of India
25 H&FW Health and Family Welfare
26 ICDS Integrated Child Development Services
27 IEC Information Education and Communication
28 IFSC Indian Financial System Code
29 IGMSY Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana
-Also known as ‘old MBP’
30 IPPB India Post Payments Bank
31 JAM Jan Dhan Account, Aadhaar and Mobile Number
32 JSY Janani Suraksha Yojana
33 LGD Local Government Directory
34 LMP Last Menstrual Period
35 MBP Maternity Benefit Programme
36 MCH Mother and Child Health
37 MCP Mother and Child Protection
38 MCTS Mother & Child Tracking System
39 MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme
40 MH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
41 MO Medical Officer
42 MPR Monthly Progress Report
43 MWCD Ministry of Women & Child Development
44 NER North Eastern Region
45 NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
46 NHM National Health Mission
47 NIPCCD National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child
48 OBGY Obstetrician/ Gynaecologist
49 OPV Oral Polio Vaccine
50 PAN Permanent Account Number
51 PDS Public Distribution System
52 PFMS Public Financial Management System
53 PHC Primary Health Centre
54 PMMVY Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
55 PMMVY-CAS PMMVY- Common Application Software
56 PMSMA Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
57 PO Post Office
58 PRI Panchayati Raj Institutions
59 PSU Public Sector Undertaking
60 PW&LM Pregnant Women & Lactating Mother
61 RCH Reproductive & Child Health
62 SC Schedule Caste
63 SDA Software Development Agency
64 SHG Self Help Group
65 SMC Steering and Monitoring Committee
66 SNO State Nodal Officer
67 SoE Statement of Expenditure
68 ST Schedule Tribe
69 SW Social Welfare
70 UIDAI Unique Identification Authority of India
71 ULB Urban Local Bodies
72 UT Union Territory
73 VHSNC Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Committee
74 VHSND Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day
75 WCD Women and Child Development
1.1 Under-nutrition continues to adversely affect majority of women in India. In India, every third woman is
undernourished and every second woman is anaemic. An undernourished mother almost inevitably gives
birth to a low birth weight baby. When poor nutrition starts in-utero, it extends throughout the life cycle
since the changes are largely irreversible. Owing to economic and social distress many women continue to
work to earn a living for their family right up to the last days of their pregnancy. Furthermore, they resume
working soon after childbirth, even though their bodies might not permit it, thus preventing their bodies
from fully recovering on one hand, and also impeding their ability to exclusively breastfeed their young
infant in the first six months.
1.2 From 01.01.2017, the Maternity Benefit Programme would be implemented in all the districts of the country
in accordance with the provision of the National Food Security Act, 2013. The programme is named as
‘Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana’ (PMMVY).
1.3 Under PMMVY, a cash incentive of ₹ 5000/- would be provided directly in the account of Pregnant Women
and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM) for first living child of the family subject to their fulfilling specific conditions
relating to Maternal and Child Health.
1.4 The eligible beneficiaries would receive the remaining cash incentives as per approved norms towards
maternity benefit under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) after institutional delivery so that on an average, a
woman will get ₹ 6000/- .
1.5 PMMVY, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, would provide grants-in-aid to the State Governments/ Union
Territory Administrations (UTs) in a dedicated Escrow account for the purpose of direct benefit transfer to
the beneficiaries.
1.6 PMMVY will be implemented using the platform of Anganwadi Services scheme of Umbrella ICDS under
Ministry of Women and Child Development in respect of States/ UTs implementing scheme through Women
and Child Development Department/ Social Welfare Department and through Health system in respect of
States/ UTs where scheme will be implemented by Health & Family Welfare Department. The list of PMMVY
implementing departments for each State/UT is at Annexure A.
1.7 PMMVY shall be implemented through a centrally deployed Web Based MIS Software application and the
focal point of implementation would be the Anganwadi Centre (AWC) and ASHA/ ANM workers.
2.1 Objectives of PMMVY
2.1.1 Providing partial compensation for the wage loss in terms of cash incentives so that the woman can
take adequate rest before and after delivery of the first living child.
2.1.2 The cash incentive provided would lead to improved health seeking behaviour amongst the Pregnant
Women and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM).
2.2 Target beneficiaries
2.2.1 All Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers, excluding PW&LM who are in regular employment with
the Central Government or the State Governments or PSUs or those who are in receipt of similar
benefits under any law for the time being in force.
2.2.2 All eligible Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers who have their pregnancy on or after 01.01.2017
for first child in family.
2.2.3 The date and stage of pregnancy for a beneficiary would be counted with respect to her LMP date as
mentioned in the MCP card.
2.2.4 Case of Miscarriage/Still Birth:
(i) A beneficiary is eligible to receive benefits under the scheme only once.
(ii) In case of miscarriage/still birth, the beneficiary would be eligible to claim the remaining
instalment(s) in event of any future pregnancy.
(iii) Thus, after receiving the 1st instalment, if the beneficiary has a miscarriage, she would only
be eligible for receiving 2nd and 3rd instalment in event of future pregnancy subject to
fulfilment of eligibility criterion and conditionalities of the scheme. Similarly, if the
beneficiary has a miscarriage or still birth after receiving 1st and 2nd instalments, she would
only be eligible for receiving 3rd instalment in event of future pregnancy subject to fulfilment
of eligibility criterion and conditionalities of the scheme.
2.2.5 Case of Infant Mortality:
A beneficiary is eligible to receive benefits under the scheme only once. That is, in case of infant
mortality, she will not be eligible for claiming benefits under the scheme, if she has already received
all the instalments of the maternity benefit under PMMVY earlier.
2.2.6 Pregnant and Lactating AWWs/ AWHs/ ASHA may also avail the benefits under the PMMVY subject to
fulfilment of scheme conditionalities
2.3 Benefits under PMMVY
2.3.1 Cash incentives in three instalments i.e. first instalment of ₹ 1000/- on early registration of pregnancy
at the Anganwadi Centre (AWC)/ approved Health facility as may be identified by the respective
administering State/ UT, second instalment of ₹ 2000/- after six months of pregnancy on receiving at
least one ante-natal check-up (ANC) and third instalment of ₹ 2000/- after child birth is registered and
the child has received the first cycle of BCG, OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B, or its equivalent/ substitute.
2.3.2 The eligible beneficiaries would receive the incentive given under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) for
Institutional delivery and the incentive received under JSY would be accounted towards maternity
benefits so that on an average a woman gets ₹ 6000/-.
2.4 Conditionalities and Instalments
2.4.1 PW&LM shall receive a cash benefit of ₹ 5000/- in three instalments at the following stages as specified
in the table given below:
Conditionalities and Instalments
Instalment Conditions Amount
First Instalment Early Registration of pregnancy ₹ 1,000/-
Second Instalment Received at least one ANC
(can be claimed after 6 months of pregnancy)
₹ 2,000/-
Third Instalment i. Child Birth is registered
ii. Child has received first cycle of BCG, OPV,DPT and
Hepatitis-B or its equivalent/substitute
₹ 2,000/-
2.4.2 The eligible beneficiaries would receive the remaining cash incentive as per approved norms towards
the Maternity Benefit under JSY after institutional delivery so that on an average, a woman will get ₹
2.5 Closure of old Maternity Benefit Programme
2.5.1 The beneficiaries under old Maternity Benefit Programme in 53 pilot districts (Annexure M), who have
already received first instalment of maternity benefit, shall be entitled for receiving cash incentive as
per approved norms towards maternity benefit under JSY and also the third instalment under PMMVY
if they or otherwise eligible under the scheme and fulfil the conditions laid down for incentive under
JSY and third instalment under PMMVY.
2.5.2 The eligible beneficiaries in 53 pilot districts who have registered under old Maternity Benefit
Programme (IGMSY) on or after 01.01.2017, but have not received first instalment may register under
2.5.3 Conditions for subsuming registered beneficiaries under old Maternity Benefit Programme in PMMVY
for 53 pilot Districts: -
a. Under the old Maternity Benefit Programme, maternity benefit of ₹ 6000/- was disbursed to
the beneficiaries in two equal instalment of ₹ 3000/- each. The first instalment of ₹ 3000/- was
provided after second trimester of pregnancy to those beneficiaries who have got them
registered at the Anganwadi Centre/ health centre with at least two antenatal check-ups. The
second instalment was provided after registering the birth of the child and completing
immunization of the child, as per the conditions of the scheme.
b. Thus, if a woman has already received first instalment of maternity benefit under old
Maternity Benefit Programme, she shall be entitled for receiving the cash incentives as per
approved norms under JSY for institutional delivery and for third instalment under the
PMMVY, if she is otherwise eligible under the scheme and fulfil the conditions laid down for
incentives under JSY for institutional delivery and third instalment under PMMVY.

The following procedure shall be followed for processing of the cases so as to ensure that the payment of the
instalment is made in the account of the eligible beneficiary preferably within 30 days of registration and
submission of the claim along with complete details of fulfilment of the conditionalities under the scheme.
3.1 Registration and submission of claims to AWW/ASHA/ANM
3.1.1 Registration under the Scheme:
a) The eligible women desirous of availing maternity benefits are required to register under the scheme
at the Anganwadi Centre (AWC)/ approved Health facility depending upon the implementing
department for that particular State/UT.
b) For registration, the beneficiary shall submit the prescribed application Form 1-A, complete in all
respects, along with the relevant documents and undertaking/consent duly signed by her and her
husband, at the AWC/ approved Health facility. While submitting the form, the beneficiary will be
required to submit her and her husband’s Aadhaar details with their written consents,
her/husband/family member’s Mobile Number and her Bank/Post Office account details.
c) The prescribed form(s) can be obtained from the AWC/ approved Health facility free of cost. The
form(s) can also be downloaded from the website of Ministry of Women and Child Development
d) The beneficiary would be required to fill up the prescribed scheme forms for registration and claim of
the instalment and submit the same at the Anganwadi Centre/ approved Health facility. The beneficiary
should obtain acknowledgment from Anganwadi Worker/ASHA/ANM for record and future reference.
e) Brief instructions on filling up of the prescribed form(s) are as follows (for the details refer to the
Scheme Forms series 1, 2, 3 and 4; and Annexure B and Annexure C):
1. For registration and claim of first instalment, duly filled Form 1-A along with copy of MCP Card
(Mother and Child Protection Card), Proof of Identity of Beneficiary and her Husband (Aadhaar
Card or permitted Alternate ID Proof of both (as per Annexure D)) and Bank/ Post Office Account
details of the beneficiary is required to be submitted.
2. For claiming second instalment, beneficiary is required to submit duly filled up Form 1-B after six
months of pregnancy, along with the copy of MCP Card showing at least one ANC.
3. For claiming third instalment, beneficiary is required to submit duly filled up Form 1-C along with
copy of child birth registration and copy of MCP card showing that the child has received first cycle
of immunization or its equivalent/substitute.
4. In case a beneficiary has complied the conditionalities stipulated under the scheme but could not
register/submit claims within the stipulated time can submit claim(s) as given at para 3.6.
5. The AWW / ASHA / ANM will facilitate opening of the beneficiary’s Aadhaar seeded Bank / Post
Office account in case she does not already have the same in her name or seeding the existing Bank
/ Post Office account with Aadhaar.
6. The beneficiary may submit Form 2-A for seeding of her Bank Account with her Aadhaar, if not
seeded earlier.
7. The beneficiary may submit Form 2-B for seeding of her Post Office Account with her Aadhaar, if
not seeded earlier.
8. Even if the beneficiary does not have the Aadhaar, the AWW / ASHA/ ANM will ensure opening of
the Bank / Post Office Account and facilitate getting the Aadhaar Card.
a. The beneficiary/ her husband may submit Form 2-C to enrol for Aadhaar or update the details
registered with UIDAI.
9. Beneficiary may submit Form 3 for updating/change of details registered under the scheme in the
following conditions:
a. Change in address and/or mobile number;
b. Inclusion of Aadhaar Number of Beneficiary or her Husband in case it is not provided at the
time of registration;
c. Change in Bank/ Post Office Account;
d. Change in name as in Aadhaar;
10. The beneficiaries already registered under old MBP scheme and received only the first instalment
may submit duly filled up Form 1-A and Form 1-C for claiming the third installment under PMMVY
subject to fulfillment of eligibility and conditionalities.
11. If the beneficiary and/or her husband does not have Aadhaar, they can provide an Aadhaar EID
number or register their request for Aadhaar enrolment (Form 2-C) along with any proof of identity
in Form 1-A. General Instructions:
a) Beneficiary and her husband are required to enrol for Aadhaar on their own or through facilitation
by the implementing Department in the State/UT to become entitled for third instalment for
which Aadhaar numbers of beneficiary & her husband are mandatory. For anyone providing
Alternate ID proof under the scheme, it is compulsory to enrol for Aadhaar within 90 days from
date of registration under the scheme.
b) The beneficiaries from the State of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu & Kashmir are exempted from
the requirement for submission of Aadhaar as per notification issues under Section-7 of Aadhaar
Act, 2016 (refer Annexure D).
c) The pregnancy of a beneficiary would be counted with respect to her LMP date as mentioned in
the MCP card.
d) Every registered beneficiary under PMMVY will receive a Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card
from Anganwadi Centre/ ASHA / ANM of the locality. The MCP Card will be used as a means of
verification of the conditionality (ies) for payment.
3.1.2 Processing of the claim for First Instalment
a. For claiming the installment, the beneficiary shall submit duly filled up Form 1-A along with
the relevant documents at the AWC/ Village/ Approved heath facility.
b. The beneficiary will be eligible to claim the first instalment under the scheme only if she
registers her pregnancy at the AWC or with ASHA/ANM within a time frame of 5 months (i.e.
150 days) from the LMP date (both dates are as captured in the MCP card).
c. The processing for disbursement of benefits to the beneficiary shall be completed well before
30 days of registration at AWC/ Village/ approved health facility so that the benefits could be
transferred within 30 days to the beneficiary from the date of registration under the scheme.
d. The individual desirous of availing benefits under PMMVY shall submit the details as prescribed
in Registration Form & fulfilment of conditionalities in Form 1-A to AWW/ASHA/ANM along
with requisite documents.
e. On receipt of complete application form and requisite documents, the AWW/ASHA/ANM will
register the beneficiary under PMMVY and send the details within a week to Supervisor/ANM.
f. The proposal received from AWW/ASHA/ANM would be checked by Supervisor/ ANM,
consolidated and shall be submitted every week to the concerned CDPO/ Health Block Officer
(Medical Officer) for the payment processing/ online registration.
3.1.3 Processing of the claim for Second Instalment
a. For claiming the second installment, the beneficiary shall submit duly filled Form 1-B along
with the relevant documents to AWW/ASHA/ANM along with requisite documents.
b. The beneficiary shall submit the proof of fulfilment of conditionalities in Form 1-B along with
photocopies of the requisite documents.
c. On receipt of complete claim form and requisite documents, the AWW/ASHA/ANM will send
the details within a week to Supervisor/ANM for processing disbursement of second
instalment of maternity benefit.
d. The proposal received from AWW/ASHA/ANM would be checked by Supervisor/ ANM,
consolidated and shall be submitted every week to the concerned CDPO/ Health Block Officer
(Medical Officer) for the payment processing.
e. The processing for disbursement of second instalments of maternity benefits to the
beneficiary shall be completed well before 30 days from the date of receiving claim in Form –
1-B related to proof of fulfilment of conditionalities.
3.1.4 Processing of the claim for Third Instalment
a. For claiming the installment, the beneficiary shall submit duly filled up Form 1-C along with
the relevant documents to AWW/ASHA/ANM.
b. The beneficiary shall submit the proof of fulfilment of conditionalities in Form 1-C along with
photocopies of the requisite documents.
c. The beneficiary must furnish details of her and her husband’s Aadhaar, if not already
furnished, in order to become eligible for receiving third instalment under PMMVY.
d. On receipt of complete claim form and requisite documents, the AWW/ASHA/ANM will send
the details within a week to Supervisor/ANM for processing disbursement of third instalment
of maternity benefit.
e. The proposal received from AWW/ASHA/ANM would be checked by Supervisor/ ANM,
consolidated and shall be submitted within a week to the concerned CDPO/ Health Block
Officer (Medical Officer) for the payment processing.
f. The processing for disbursement of third instalments of maternity benefits to the beneficiary
shall be completed well before 30 days from the date of receiving claim in Form 1-C related to
proof of fulfilment of conditionalities.
3.2 Processing by Supervisor/ANM
The form received from AWW/ASHA/ANM shall be verified and submitted to CDPO/MO within a week
from the date of receipt. The detailed instructions in this regard are at Annexure B and Annexure C.
3.3 Processing by CDPO/MO
The form received from Supervisor/ANM will be verified and entered into the WWW.PMMVYCAS.
GOV.IN web-based MIS for disbursal of benefits to eligible beneficiaries, as per the details given in
User Manual for the PMMVY-CAS software. CDPO/MO will ensure that the details received or entered in
the database and sanctioned within a week from the data of receipt of the forms.
3.4 Processing for initiation of payment by State Nodal Officer (SNO)
The SNO will ensure that the payments are initiated within three working days from the receipt of
sanctioned list from CDPO/MO after verifying the correctness of the data.
3.5 Amount and conditions for payment of incentives
a. The beneficiary will receive a total cash incentive of ₹ 5000/- in three instalments, subject to the
fulfilment of specific conditions.
b. The payment shall be credited to the Bank/ Post office account of the beneficiary, as the case may be
and not in the husband’s/family member’s/joint account.
c. The conditionalities for the three instalments under the scheme are (refer Annexure E for details):
i. First Instalment
Amount: ₹ 1000/- in case of early registration of pregnancy on fulfilment of the conditions
mentioned below:
Proof of early registration of pregnancy in MCP card (registration of pregnancy within 150 days
from the date of LMP), duly certified by an officer/functionary of Health Department not below
the rank of ANM.
ii. Second Instalment
Amount: ₹ 2000/- after 6 months of pregnancy on fulfilment of the conditions mentioned
At least one Ante-Natal Check-up of beneficiary duly certified on MCP card by an officer/
functionary of Health Department not below the rank of ANM.
iii. Third Instalment
Amount: ₹ 2000/- on fulfilment of the conditionalities mentioned below:
 Child birth is registered. Birth Certificate issued by an authorised authority of the
State/UT will be accepted as proof of child birth.
 Proof that child has received first cycle of BCG, OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
equivalent/substitute, the MCP card being duly certified on MCP card by an
officer/functionary of Health Department not below the rank of ANM.
d. The immunization is to be completed preferably within 14 weeks of birth of the child as per the schedule
issued by MHFW (Annexure L). The AWW/ ASHA/ ANM will check the MCP card of the beneficiary at the
beginning of the fifth month to ensure that all the immunization of the infant has taken place.
3.6 Bunching of Instalments
Beneficiaries should apply preferably just after fulfilment of conditionalities to make proper use of the
benefits received under the scheme towards meeting the scheme objectives. In case she could not apply
within the normal time frame, the following may be considered:
i. No maternity claim under the scheme shall be admitted after 730 days of pregnancy. LMP
registered in the MCP card will be the date of pregnancy to be considered in this respect.
ii. The instalments may be claimed independently and not interlinked with each other, subject
to fulfilment of eligibility criteria and conditionalities.
iii. A beneficiary can apply, at any point of time but not later than 730 days of pregnancy, even if
she had not claimed any of the instalments earlier but fulfils eligibility criterion and
conditionalities for receiving benefits.
iv. In cases where LMP date is not recorded in MCP card viz. a beneficiary is coming for claim of
third instalment under the scheme, the claim in such cases must be submitted within 460 days
from the date of birth of the child beyond which period no claim shall be entertained.
v. Under bunching of instalments, a number of combinations are possible. For the sake of clarity,
the forms to be submitted and conditionalities to be verified are given in table below:
Table: Bunching Combinations
S.No Case Forms to be filled
by Beneficiary
Verification by AWW/ASHA/ANM
1 Beneficiary has not claimed the first
instalment under the scheme and
applies for claiming the first
instalment only.
Form 1-A  Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
2 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first instalment under the scheme
but applies directly for claiming the
second instalment only.
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B
 At least one ANC
3 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first instalment under the scheme
and applies directly for claiming
both first and second instalments
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 At least one ANC
4 Beneficiary who has registered
herself under the scheme and
claimed the first instalment, and
applies directly for claiming the third
instalment only under the scheme
Form 1-C  Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
5 Beneficiary who has registered
herself under the scheme and
claimed the first instalment, and
applies directly for claiming both
second and third instalment
together under the scheme
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
6 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first and second instalment under
the scheme and applies directly for
claiming the third instalment only
under the scheme
Form 1-A;
Form 1-C
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
7 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first and second instalment under
the scheme and applies directly for
claiming second and third
instalment together under the
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
8 Beneficiary has not claimed the first
and second instalment under the
scheme and applies directly for
claiming first, second and third
instalment together under the
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
3.7 Payment to beneficiaries
All eligible beneficiaries who have applied and complies with the conditionalities will receive payments
through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to their individual Bank/ Post Office Accounts that is specified by
them in their application form(s) on approval by the competent authority. That is:
i. Transfer of benefits would be through DBT in Bank/Post Office account only.
ii. No disbursement would be made in the form of “cash” or “cheque”.
iii. Mode of money transfer will be through banks and post offices which are on-boarded on PFMS.
3.8 Verification of the Conditionalities
3.8.1 Verification by AWW/ASHA/ ANM
Means of verification of each conditionality (details at Annexure E)
i. MCP card for early registration of pregnancy, ANC and immunization.
ii. Birth Certificate by a competent authority of the State/UT will be accepted as proof of child
3.8.2 Verification by Supervisor/ ANM
i. During field monitoring visits, the Supervisor/ ANM should check (details at Annexure E) the
PMMVY register (Form 4) for correctness and verify the fulfilment of conditions by checking
the MCP cards. Supervisor/ ANM shall provide an acknowledgement on PMMVY register after
receiving the forms from AWW/ ASHA/ ANM.
ii. While receiving the Monthly Progress Report (MPR) from the AWW/ ASHA /ANM, the
supervisor/ ANM should check it for correctness.
3.8.3 Verification by Sanctioning Officer (CDPO/MO)
i. The CDPO/MO must check if all the forms are complete with the mandatory document
ii. While receiving the Monthly Progress Report (MPR) from the Supervisor /ANM and CDPO/MO
should store it safely (refer to Section 6.1.2).
3.8.4 Special Conditions
a) If the beneficiary fulfils the conditions for the 3rd instalment but the infant does not survive beyond 6
months of age, she will be given the 3rd instalment.
b) If the beneficiary delivers twins/triplet/quadruplet, it will be counted as first live child in the family.
c) In case of intra-State or inter-State migration due to any reason, the beneficiary can avail the remaining
benefit(s) on production of Aadhaar number; or MCP card and acknowledgement slip at the nearest
AWC/ approved Health facility (depending on implementing agency at State/ UT level) and after
fulfilling the conditions for each instalment.
d) In case of false claim by the beneficiary, the amount paid to her would be recovered failing which, she
will be liable for action as per law.
3.9 Roles and Responsibilities at various levels
The roles and responsibilities of the AWW, AWH, ASHA, Supervisor/ANM, and other PMMVY personnel
is at Annexure C.

4.1 Implementing Department
The scheme would be implemented by MWCD at the Central level while at the State/ UT level the
concerned State/ UT have the option to implement the scheme either through WCD/Social Welfare
Department or through H&FW Department. The names of implementing departments reported by the
States/ UTs are enclosed at Annexure A.
4.2 PMMVY Section/Cell in MWCD
a) The existing Maternity Benefit Programme section in MWCD will administer the scheme.
b) In order to ensure effective implementation of the scheme, PMMVY Cell shall be established at the
National level in MWCD, New Delhi.
c) The Cell shall work under the overall supervision of the Joint Secretary dealing with the scheme. This
cell would be supported by Director and Under Secretary dealing with PMMVY. The cell shall also be
supported by contractual staff. One senior consultant (National Program Coordinator) shall be hired
along with one Data Entry Operator to support smooth implementation of the program.
d) The composition and function of PMMVY cell are at Annexure F.
e) The budgetary norms for engagement of contractual staff are at Annexure G.
4.3 Establishment of PMMVY Cell in States / UTs
a) Every State/UT would establish a State/UT level PMMVY Cell within the Department of Women and
Child Development/Department of Social Welfare/Department of Health & Family Welfare, which will
be under the supervision of concerned State/UT Secretary. The Director dealing with the scheme in
State/UT will be responsible for the day to day implementation of the scheme at the State/UT level.
b) The composition and function of State/UT PMMVY cell are at Annexure E
c) The budgetary norms for engagement of PMMVY staff are at Annexure-G.
d) The engagement of contractual staff for establishment of PMMVY cell (at State/UT level and district
level) shall be done as per States/UT guidelines in extant for such category of posts.
e) Each of the above-mentioned staff hired should have clear Terms of Reference (as decided by the
State/UT) and be given remuneration as per Budget earmarked in the Scheme. Contracts for all such
staff would be renewed annually based on performance.
f) Minimum qualification and experience for the contractual staff to be hired are as under:
Education qualification Experience/Competencies
State Programme
preferably in Social Sciences/
Life sciences/ Nutrition/
Medicine /
Health management / Social
work/ Rural management
i. At least 3 years’ experience of working
with the Government/Non-Government
ii. Proficiency in using MS-office.
iii. Proficiency in local language and English
District Programme
i. At least 1-year experience of working with the
ii. Proficiency in using MS-office
iii. Proficiency in local language and English
State Programme
preferably in in Social Sciences
/Social work/Rural
i. At least 2 years’ experience of working with
Government/ Non- Government
ii. Proficiency in using MS-office, data entry and
iii. Proficiency in local language and English
District Programme
i. At least 1-year experience of working with
Government/ Non-Government
ii. Proficiency in using MS-Office and data entry.
4.4 Use of Flexi Funds
To be used as per guidelines issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of
India vide Office Memorandum number F.NO. 55(5)/PF-II/2011 dated 6th September 2016 (Annexure
4.5 Payment of DBT Transaction Charges
The payment of DBT Transaction Charges, if any, will be a per the instructions issued from time to time
by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

5.1 Fund Flow
a) Funds under the Scheme will be transferred from MWCD through PFMS in dedicated Escrow Account
maintained by the State/UT at State/UT level. The State/UT will also credit their respective share to this
Escrow account as per the cost sharing ratio between the Centre and State/UT. The fund available in
the dedicated Escrow account are meant for transfer to the beneficiaries under the scheme. In no case,
the funds from this account should be diverted for any other purpose. The funds from this account shall
be transferred to the beneficiaries through PFMS in DBT mode.
b) To meet the administrative and other expenditures the funds shall also be transferred by MWCD to the
States/UTs as per schematic norms through PFMS in the State/ UT treasury. The State/UT after crediting
their respective shares shall make it available to the Department for smooth implementation of the
c) The State/UT shall ensure that sufficient fund is maintained in escrow account for making payment to
the beneficiaries.
5.2 Escrow Account
a) To ensure dedicated and timely availability of funds to the beneficiaries, without parking of funds at
the State/UT level, States/UTs shall maintain a State/UT level Escrow Account for the Scheme. The fund
transfer from Government of India and State/UT will be to this account for the further transfer to
beneficiary’s account.
b) The States/UTs after opening the Escrow account for PMMVY shall submit the detail to MWCD as per
prescribed format jointly signed by the Secretary concerned and the bank authority. The prescribed
format is at Form 5-A.
c) MWCD shall transfer the fund to this dedicated Escrow account.
d) This account is mandatorily required to be an escrow account and must be opened in a bank as per
instructions issued by Ministry of Finance for banking arrangements of the State/District Level
Implementing Agencies handling Central Sector/ Centrally sponsored Schemes of various Ministries of
Government of India vide O.M. No. S-11012/3(1) Bank/Ref. Case/2010/RBD/1688-1772 dated
10.11.2016 (Annexure I).
e) For initiation of payment from the Escrow account to the beneficiaries, the State/UTs shall appoint a
State/UT level Nodal officer (NO) who will obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) well in advance to
process the payment to beneficiaries. The detailed roles and responsibilities of NO are at Annexure C.
f) Any changes in the authorized signatory must be in conformity with the banking regulations.
g) The amount due for payment to the eligible beneficiaries on fulfilment of conditionalities will be
available to the nodal officer through PMMVY-CAS. To avoid delay, the Nodal officer shall initiate
payment to the beneficiaries at least twice a week.
h) The payment to the beneficiaries shall be made on ‘first-in-first-out’ basis.
5.3 Sanctioning Authority
a) In States/UTs where the scheme is being implemented by Department of Women & Child
Development/ Social Welfare, CDPO, Anganwadi services shall be the approving authority for payment
to be made to the eligible beneficiaries fulfilling the conditionalities of the scheme. He/ She will be
responsible for correctness of the list submitted for payment to authority initiating payment at the
State/UT level.
b) Similarly, in the States/UTs where the scheme is being implemented by H&FW Department, the MO, at
Block level shall be the approving authority for payment to be made to the eligible beneficiaries fulfilling
the conditionalities of the scheme. He/ She will be responsible for correctness of the list submitted for
payment to authority initiating payment at the State/UT level.
c) All the payments to the beneficiary shall be made only through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.
d) All the payment will be initiated by the officer who is the designated owner of the escrow account
through PFMS.
5.4 Disbursement Mechanism
a) The State Government/UT Administration shall project the number of prospective beneficiaries and
their requirement of funds and submit it to MWCD by 31st December for the next Financial Year.
b) On the basis of the approval, Government of India will release funds in four quarterly instalments for
the implementation of the PMMVY to the States/UTs. The first two instalments will be released on
notional basis and subsequent instalment upon submission of Statement of Expenditure by the
State/UT based on the actual expenditure reflected therein.
5.5 Financial Provisions
a) The Government of India funds would be based on the following cost sharing ratio between the Centre
and the States/UTs:
All States/UTs (with legislature) 60:40
NER and Himalayan States 90:10
Union Territories without legislature 100% funding by Central Government
b) Financial provisions under the PMMVY are in Annexure G. While incurring expenditure the States/UTs
should ensure that the expenditure under various heads should be kept within the prescribed limits.

6.1 Records
6.1.1 General Instructions
Under the scheme the forms contain sensitive and personal information of beneficiary and her
husband such as Aadhaar number, bank details, medical reports etc. Therefore, such records, both in
physical or electronic form, should be kept in custody of authorised personnel only and in no case
should be made available in any form to an unauthorised person. The documents containing personal
details of the beneficiary should never be placed on notice board for information of public.
6.1.2 Guidelines for Record Retention
a) All the physical forms/registers need to be stored in a safe place by the official in possession of the
document (field functionaries, CDPO/MO, Supervisor/ANM etc.) and will be shared/transferred
with/to an authorised personnel only, if the sharing/transfer is justified under the guidelines of the
b) The application forms received under Form Series 1, 2 and 3 should be destroyed after three years
from date of archiving of these documents.
c) From 4 (PMMVY Register) may be retained up to 5 years and thereafter the same may be
6.1.3 PMMVY Register (Monthly Progress Reports)
PMMVY register (to be opened every financial year) has to be maintained at the AWC/Village by AWW
or by ASHA/ ANM (Form 4). This register is meant to keep a record of all beneficiaries under a particular
AWC/ ANM/ ASHA area who have applied under the Scheme. The register needs to be filled in blue
ink/ball point pen as per instructions given Annexure B.
This register will give the monthly progress report of the scheme which will be submitted to
6.1.4 Reports Generated from PMMVY-CAS
The reports generated from PMMVY-CAS shall be sent to AWC/Village/Approved Health Facility for
updation of payment details, reasons for rejection of claims etc. The details are given in Annexure J.
6.1.5 Utilisation Certificate and Statement of Expenditure
a) The MPR by the AWW/ ASHA /ANM will be verified by Supervisor / ANM and submitted to the
CDPO/MO as described in Annexure B.
b) The monthly status of funds in escrow account shall be emailed to MWCD by 5th of every month
in the prescribed format given in Form 5-A.
c) Quarterly and Annual Statement of Expenditure (SoE) along with Physical and Financial report in
prescribed formats (Form 5) will be consolidated by the State/UT to be sent to MWCD, by the
following dates:
a. Annual physical and financial report for previous year : by 31st May
b. Quarter ending 30th June : by 15th July
c. Quarter ending 30th September : by 15th October
d. Quarter ending 31st December : by 15th January
e. Quarter ending 31st March : by 15th April
d) Time schedule for submission of monthly status of funds in escrow account, Statement of
Expenditure, Physical and Financial reporting may be strictly adhered, to enable MWCD to release
the funds to States/UTs in time.
6.2 Monitoring and Review of the Programme
The composition of committees to be formed at various levels is given at Annexure K.
a) Monitoring and review of the programme shall be done by MWCD.
b) Steering and Monitoring Committees would be formed at State/UT, District, Project and Village-level
to ensure effective implementation of the Scheme. These will be sub-committees of ICDS Committees
and members from Banking/Post Office may be added. Formation of separate PMMVY committees at
State/District/Project/Village-level would be at the discretion of the States/UTs.
c) These committees shall review, monitor and advise on matters relating to the implementation of the
Scheme. They shall review progress of the scheme and strengthen the coordination and convergence
between concerned Departments, consider the bottlenecks faced during the implementation of the
scheme and suggest modifications required for improving the implementation. The Committees should
meet as per timeline indicated in Annexure K or earlier, if needed, as per the discretion of the
Chairperson. Technical experts, NGOs or civil society groups may also be invited, if considered
d) Where the scheme is implemented by other than Department of Women & Child Development, similar
processes will be followed by the Department implementing the PMMVY and Report will be sent to
Ministry of Women and Child Development by the implementing Department of the State / UT on a
monthly basis.
e) Access of the PMMVY implementing software and beneficiary’s relevant data would be granted to the
monitoring/implementing agencies.
a) A grievance can be defined as any sort of discontent/dissatisfaction, which needs to be redressed in
order to bring about the smooth functioning of the scheme. Some indicative examples of grievances
could be:
i. No services provided by the AWW /ANM/ASHA
ii. Irregular (delayed or short) payments of the instalments to the beneficiaries
iii. Exclusion of some beneficiaries owing to caste/class/personal bias
iv. Victimization
v. Corruption
b) The States /UTs may consider setting up a formal grievance redressal mechanism at project/Health
block and district level for handling complaints, determining the time limits and responsible units for
addressing complaints and taking necessary action. Existing grievance redressal units, e.g., Collector’s
grievance redressal unit / Zila Parishad Council at district-level, may be considered for addressing
grievances related to this Scheme.
c) Issues and grievances related to the scheme should be discussed in the meeting of the Village Health,
Sanitation and Nutrition Committee (VHSNC) or Village-level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring
Committee and forwarded to the project-level steering and monitoring committee for necessary
d) Entitlements under the scheme, eligibility criteria and list of beneficiaries should be pasted at the
AWC/ Village to maintain transparency. It would be ensured that Aadhaar, Bank/Post-Office account
and other personal details of beneficiaries are not made public as stipulated under the provisions of
IT Act, 2000 and Aadhaar Act, 2016.
e) Further for Social Audits, the PMMVY should be an agenda point during the Gram Sabhas. Wherever
possible, special Women Gram Sabhas (Mahila Sabhas) may be convened by the Women
Sarpanch/Panchayat member. During the Mahila Sabhas, names of the PMMVY beneficiaries should
be informed to the community members by the Anganwadi Worker/Member Secretary of Village-level
PMMVY Steering and Monitoring Committee (refer Annexure K). Representatives of Women SHGFederations,
Bank, Post office and District PMMVY Cell may also be invited to these meetings. Mahila
Sabha meetings may be held twice a year.
f) In areas where Mahila Sabhas are not in existence, the PMMVY Steering and Monitoring Committee
at village-level may hold such a meeting by inviting community members.
6.4 Evaluation:
NITI Aayog will monitor the Scheme every month. For an initial period of two years after the launch of
the Scheme. After six months of roll out, a detailed evaluation will be carried out to bring mid-course
corrections, if any.
For this purpose, NITI Aayog shall constitute a PMMVY Technical Committee under chairpersonship of
CEO, NITI Aayog.

7.1 Capacity Building & Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities:
a) Separate provisions have been made under the scheme at State/UT and District level (State/UT
PMMVY Cell and District PMMVY Cell) for each State/UT for Capacity Building and IEC activities.
b) All functionaries of PMMVY right from State/UT level up to grass root workers need to be
sensitized on PMMVY. Wherever possible, these sensitization workshops should be organized in
coordination/jointly with the Health Department as health services provision is a significant part
of the PMMVY.
c) NIPCCD along with its Regional Centres would organize trainings, either through cascade model,
vertical training or as the States/UTs deem appropriate. NIPCCD would also include the PMMVY
training in its regular job and refresher training courses of all field functionaries under the scheme.
d) State/UT ICDS and Health Departments through their training Institutes shall ensure all concerned
personnel are trained under the PMMVY.
e) Capacity building shall include training of PRI members.
f) IEC activities at sector/project/district level and State/UT level shall be organized for spreading
awareness about the scheme and sensitizing all concerned. A one-page pamphlet informing the
intended beneficiaries about the scheme, criterion to be met to receive the financial benefits and
mechanisms to receive the money and from whom and when may be considered to be distributed
to the service providers and beneficiaries.
g) Advertisements as IEC may be used to spread mass awareness about the scheme.
7.2 Inter-departmental convergence:
The implementation of PMMVY requires close coordination with the following Departments. VHSND
would be the platform for convergence of services from different Departments.
a) Health Department:
a. Ensuring MCP cards are available and used.
b. Ensuring timely ANC of pregnant women and vaccination of child
c. Promote ANC done under the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)
d. Promoting institutional delivery, early initiation of breastfeeding, colostrum feeding and
exclusive breastfeeding for first six months.
e. Organizing sensitization and training programs for PMMVY for all concerned staff.
b) Panchayati Raj Institutions:
a. Organizing community awareness events.
b. Providing additional incentives to mothers through their own funds.
c. Conducting social audits/addressing grievances.
d. Ensuring registration of Child Birth
c) UIDAI: The beneficiaries and their husband without Aadhaar may be provided Aadhaar number.
d) Information / Public Relations Department: Publicity and mass reach through - All India
Radio, Song and Drama Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Division
of Field Publicity, State IEC Bureau, Print Media, Regional TV channels, social media etc.
e) Lead State and District Post Office/Banks: For opening of JAM Account (Jan-Dhan accounts
seeded with Aadhaar and Mobile number) for PMMVY beneficiaries and devising appropriate cash
transfer mechanism for smooth transactions in all the districts.
f) State Training Institutes/Medical Colleges for ensuring their training curriculum includes
training on the PMMVY.

Annexure – A
List of PMMVY implementing departments for each State/UT
State/UT Department Intimation
Andaman &
Social Welfare
4-155/ICDS/IGMSY/DSW/2010 (Vol-IV)/830
Andhra Pradesh
Health, Medical and
Family Welfare
No. WCD&SC-13034/10/2017 dated
Arunachal Pradesh
Women & Child
*Telephonic confirmation
Assam Social Welfare
Letter No. SWD.345/2015/140 dated
Bihar Social Welfare
No. ICDS/70010/1-2017-469 dated
Chandigarh Health No. ICDS Cell/2017/454 dated 08.03.2017
Women & Child
No. F3-59/13/WCD/50 dated 16.02.2017
D & NH
Medical and Health
No. 11/32/2017/EST/SWD/178 dated
Daman & Diu
Medical and Health
No. ICDS/DMN/Maternity/2016-17/01
Women & Child
Email dated 11.04.2017 from Deputy
Director (MBP)
Women & Child
2/192-2012/IGMSY/Part-V/9553 dated
Women & Child
Implementation/5513/15 dated 18.02.2017
Women & Child
No. 46576/IGMSY/WCD/2017 dated
Himachal Pradesh
Social Justice &
D.O. No. SJE-C(10)-B/2010-I dated
Jammu & Kashmir Social Welfare *Telephonic confirmation
Jharkhand WCD & Social Security
पत्र स. - 05/म.स./के.प्रा.यो.-म.लाभ कायय.-
33/2017 502 dated 17.02.2017
Women & Child
*Telephonic confirmation
Kerala Social Welfare *Telephonic confirmation
Women & Child
No. 51/1/2017-WCD/148 dated 03.05.2017
Madhya Pradesh
Women & Child
अ.श. प. क्र. 43/PS/WCD/17 dated
Women & Child
*Telephonic confirmation
Manipur Social Welfare No. 19/20/2016-S(SW) dated 21.02.2017
Meghalaya Health & Family Welfare No. SW(S) 23/2017/60, dated 29.06.2017
Mizoram Social Welfare
No, 13015/2/2017-DTE (ICDS) dated
No. B 13012/31/2013-SWD dated
Nagaland Social Welfare No. SW/26/IGMSY-1/15 dated 21.03.2017
Women & Child
0041-2015 dated 17.02.2017
Women & Child
No. 5/CS/PA/2017 dated 16.02.2017
Social Security, Women &
Child Development
D.O. No. Secy/ACSSS/2017/48 dated
Rajasthan Medical & Health
No. F(26)(4)/MBP-PCTS/ICDS/2016-
17/27032 dated 20.02.2017
Social Justice,
Empowerment & Welfare
25/SJE@&WD/W&CDD/ICDS/17-18 dated
Tamil Nadu Health & Family Welfare No. 2305/SW7(1)/2017-1 dated 17.02.2017
Telangana Health & Family Welfare
No. 639/Schemes.A1/2017 dated
Tripura Social Welfare
D.O. No. F.95(8-20)-PMMVY/SWE/2017
dated 28.07.2017
Women & Child
D.O. No. 296/XVII(4)/2017-262(9)/11TC
dated 01.03.2017
Uttar Pradesh Health
Email dated 01.03.2017 from Principal
Secretary, ICDS, Govt. of UP
West Bengal response awaited -
Instructions for the Anganwadi Worker/Health Worker for filling up
(The forms needs to be filled in blue/black ball point pen)
1.1. Introduction:
The details of forms which will be dealt by AWW/Health worker are as follows:
i. Form 1 series is for registration and claiming various instalments of maternity benefit under the
scheme. This series consists of three forms:
• Form 1-A is the form to be filled for registration of a new beneficiary under the scheme at
any stage and for claiming first instalment under the scheme.
• Form 1-B is the form to be filled for the beneficiary to claim the 2nd Instalment.
• Form 1-C is the form to be filled for the beneficiary to claim the 3rd Instalment.
ii. Form 2 series is for Aadhaar seeding of Bank/Post office account and for Aadhaar enrolment and
change/update in details registered with UIDAI. The series consists of three forms:
• Form 2-A is the form to be filled by the beneficiary for Aadhaar seeding of her Bank
Account, if not seeded earlier.
• Form 2-B is the form to be filled by the beneficiary for Aadhaar seeding of her Post Office
Account, if not seeded earlier.
• Form 2-C is the form to be filled by the beneficiary/ her husband to enrol for Aadhaar or
update details registered with UIDAI.
iii. Form 3 is for updating of details such as mobile number, Address, Aadhaar details, bank details and
replacing Identity Proof with Aadhaar.
iv. Form 4 Series is the monthly record of all beneficiaries in the AWC/Village/Approved Health Facility.
It can be maintained in the form of a register. It consists of two Forms;
• Form 4-A is the cover page of Monthly Progress Report (MPR) for the reporting month.
• Form 4-B is for recording the details of beneficiaries registered at AWC/Village/Approved
Health Facility and their status. The status at the end of month shall be reported to the
Supervisor/ANM in the form of MPR. This form serves as the register for the year, as well as
the MPR. A beneficiary’s progress is tracked in this form until she exits from Scheme.
1.2. General Instructions:
i. The Fields marked mandatory must be filled. The AWW/ASHA/ANM should accept only those
forms where mandatory fields have been duly filled up.
ii. In case when an option is not applicable, it must be struck off.
For example: If the name of Supervisor/ ANM is asked, “ANM” must be struck off in case when the
form is being filled in State/ UT where WCD is the implementing department and vice versa.
iii. Before registering the beneficiary, verify the enclosed documents as per checklist in the form.
iv. The AWW/ASHA/ANM must submit the form to Supervisor/ANM within 1 week from date of
registration/receipt of application for claim.
v. The filled up form should be submitted to authorise personnel only.
vi. The filled up form(s) retained at AWC/Village/Approved Health Facility must be kept in safe custody
per instructions given in section 6.1.2.
vii. The claim received after 730 days from the date of LMP should not be entertained. In such cases,
the application should not be registered under PMMVY.
1.3. Form 1-A: Application for Registration under PMMVY and First Instalment
The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to assist the beneficiary in filling up the registration form. The following
guidelines must be adhered to while filling up each section of the form:
1. The following details of the beneficiary have to be captured for successful registration:
i. Check whether the beneficiary has an Aadhaar Card. If yes go to ii), else go to iv)
and/or v).
ii. Fill up the name of the beneficiary as mentioned in her Aadhaar card.
iii. Fill up the beneficiary’s Aadhaar number. All the 12 digit Aadhaar number of the
beneficiary must be written clearly in the form. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must ensure
that the complete and correct Aadhaar number has been written in the form. Please
also enclose a photo copy of the Aadhaar Card.
iv. If the beneficiary does not possess an Aadhaar Card, complete Aadhaar Enrolment ID
number is to be filled up, in case already registered for Aadhaar enrolment.
v. Further, fill up the name of the beneficiary as per Alternate Identity Card it must
exactly match with the name as mentioned in the Alternate Identity Card. For
example: The bank/post office account details may be considered as Alternate ID.
vi. Fill up the Alternate ID Number and enclose a copy of the Alternate Identity Card.
vii. Please select the Alternate Identity Card provided from the list given.
2. The details of the husband of the beneficiary have to be captured for successful registration:
a. Check whether the husband has an Aadhaar Card. If yes go to ii), else go to iv).
Fill up i–vii details as explained 1 above.
Note I: In Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and Meghalaya, other Alternate ID Proof as mentioned in
the form may be accepted. Such beneficiaries must write their name as in Alternate ID Proof and
the correct Alternate ID number in the form. Such Alternate IDs will also be accepted for the
Note II: For anyone providing Alternate ID proof under the scheme, it is compulsory to enrol for
Aadhaar within 90 days from the date of registration/submission of claim under the scheme
under the scheme.
3. Fill up the current residential address of the beneficiary.
4. Fill up the 10-digit mobile number of the beneficiary, if she has. This is not mandatory but required to
send SMS updates. She can also give the mobile number of her family members, if she desires so.
5. Correctly tick the appropriate field.
6. Fill up the Last Menstrual Period (LMP) date of the beneficiary from the MCP card (Enclose a photocopy
of the MCP Card). Ensure the date is in dd/mm/yyyy format. This field is mandatory for claiming 1st
and/or 2nd installment under the scheme.
7. Fill up the Date of registration of MCP card at AWC/ Village / Approved Health Facility (Enclose a
photocopy of the MCP Card). Ensure the date is in dd/mm/yyyy format. This field is mandatory for
claiming any installment under the scheme. This date will be used as date of registration of pregnancy
of the beneficiary.
8. Fill up the number of living children of the beneficiary as on the date of filling up the application.
Note: The beneficiary is eligible for claiming benefits under the scheme only for first living child of family
9. Fill up the Category to which the beneficiary belongs. Choose ‘SC’ or ‘ST’ if she belongs to Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe respectively. For all other categories, select ‘Others’.
10. Fill up the complete Bank or Post Office account details of the beneficiary. It should be ensured that the
bank/post office account should be in the name of the beneficiary only. Joint account is not acceptable.
It must be ensured that beneficiary provides a copy of the Passbook showing Name, Account Number,
and Bank Name.
Note: The following points must be kept in mind while giving the details of the bank/post office account:
a. The bank/post office account must be Aadhaar seeded in case beneficiary has Aadhaar
b. If the bank/post office account of the beneficiary is not Aadhaar seeded, she must visit her
bank/post office branch and get her account seeded with her Aadhaar card by submitting
the Form 2-A Form and relevant documents. AWW/ASHA/ANM will facilitate the seeding
process by assisting in filling up of the form and its’ submission to the bank/post office
branch concerned.
c. The bank account must be in a bank having Core Banking Solution
- Core Banking Solution (CBS) is networking of branches, which enables Customers
to operate their accounts, and avail banking services from any branch of
the Bank on CBS network, regardless of where he maintains his account.
d. The beneficiary must provide the following details in case of an Aadhaar seeded bank/
post office account:
i. Name of the beneficiary exactly as mentioned in the passbook of the Aadhaar seeded
ii. Correct account number of the Aadhaar seeded account as mentioned in the
iii. Name of the Bank/ I.P.P.B Branch Name in which the Aadhaar seeded account is
iv. Name of the Bank Branch (as mentioned in passbook) in which the Aadhaar seeded
account is maintained.
v. IFSC of the Bank Branch (as mentioned in passbook) in which the Aadhaar seeded
account is maintained.
vi. Address of the Post Office in which the Aadhaar seeded account is maintained.
vii. Pin Code of the Post Office in which the Aadhaar seeded account is maintained.
viii. Fill up Yes/No as per Aadhaar and Bank Account/ Post Office Account seeding.
e. The mode of money transfer will be through banks and post offices which are on-boarded
on PFMS. Hence, if the beneficiary must provide account details for a PFMS on-boarded
bank/post office.
11. Fill up whether the beneficiary had registered for the old MBP scheme (IGMSY). If she had
registered, the instalments that she received through that scheme need to be filled up in field 12
of this form.
12. Tick the appropriate column, if answer to field 11 of this form was yes.
13. The undertaking must be signed by the beneficiary. The declarations whichsoever is not applicable
(out of c.i and c.ii) must be struck off. False declaration is liable for legal action as per law.
14. This undertaking must be signed by the husband of the beneficiary. The declarations whichsoever
is not applicable (out of a.i and a.ii) must be struck off. False declaration is liable for legal action
as per law.
15. Enter the ID number of beneficiary as recorded in MCP card.
16. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to fill up certain details regarding themselves and the beneficiary who
has come to them for enrolment under the scheme. They have to ensure all the details are correct
before signing with the place (name of the village) and date, and that the form will stand rejected
if the mandatory fields are not filled.
a. Anganwadi Centre/Approved Health Facility
b. Anganwadi Centre Code (in case WCD/ Social welfare is the implementing department)
c. Village / Town Name
d. Village Code
f. Post Office Name
g. Project/Health Block Name
h. District Name
i. State/UT name
j. Important: Date of Registration of Pregnancy in dd/mm/yyyy format.
k. Important: Date of Submission of Beneficiary’s Form to respective Supervisor or ANM in
dd/mm/yyyy format.
17. The field functionary filling up the form must ensure that all the mandatory documents are
enclosed along with the forms to be submitted and ‘Y’ is written in case it is enclosed and ‘NA’ if
the document is not applicable to be enclosed.
18. The Supervisor/ANM must verify that all the details provided in the form have been correctly
19. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must fill and sign an acknowledgement copy which will be given to the
beneficiary. It will have the following details:
a. Anganwadi Centre/ Approved Health Facility Name
b. Anganwadi Centre/ Village Code
c. AWW/ ASHA /ANM Name
d. Village/ Town Name
e. Post Office Name
f. Sector Name
g. Project Name
h. District Name
i. Name of State or Union Territory
j. The Name of Beneficiary and the Date she had come for Registration
k. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must sign the acknowledgement and mention the date and place
(name of village/town) where it was signed, before handing the acknowledgement copy
to the beneficiary.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must inform the beneficiary that she must keep the
acknowledgement safely as she will have to submit it while applying for the subsequent
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must submit these completes forms to her Supervisor / ANM
- The Supervisor / ANM must sign the verification after validating the following:
o The form is complete- all fields marked mandatory in the form must be correctly
o All required documents are attached with the form:
 Copy of beneficiary Aadhaar card/ Alternate ID
 Copy of beneficiary’s husband’s Aadhaar card/ Alternate ID
 Copy of beneficiary’s bank/ post office account passbook.
- The Supervisor / ANM should submit all complete and valid forms to the Project Office
for data entry.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must keep a photocopy of the filled forms to be maintained at
the AWC/ Village. In absence of a Xerox copy, she must fill the details on another form
without taking the signature of the beneficiary.
- The AWW/ ASHA / ANM should put up the list of beneficiaries, received through the
Supervisor/ANM, successfully registered and who have received the first instalment.
- Early Registration of Pregnancy: The beneficiary will be eligible to claim the first
installment under the scheme only if she registers her pregnancy at the AWC or with
ASHA/ANM within a timeframe of 5 months (i.e. 150 days) from the LMP date (both dates
are as captured in the MCP card).
1.4. Form 1-B: Submission of fulfilment of Condition by Beneficiary (Second
[The Form 1-B to be filled only after 6 months of her pregnancy.]
The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to assist the beneficiary in filling up the form for receiving the second
instalment under the scheme. The following guidelines must be adhered to while filling up the form:
1. The beneficiary must fill her name as given during registration under the scheme in Form I-A. The
beneficiary to submit a copy of acknowledgment slip of First Instalment in case she is already
registered to the AWW/ASHA/ ANM. The beneficiary must fill the correct name of the AWC/ Village
where she had filled the registration form. The name of Anganwadi Centre / Approved Health
Facility /Village where the beneficiary had registered should also be mentioned as in Form 1-A.
2. Fill up the relevant details.
3. The beneficiary must provide the date of registration under the scheme (should be as given during
registration under the scheme in Form 1-A).
4. The date of ANC as recorded in the MCP card. In case of more than one ANC, the first one will be
5. Tick appropriate field.
6. Fill up the date on which claim for 2nd Instalment along with duly filled up form is submitted by the
7. Enter the ID number of beneficiary as recorded in MCP card.
8. Fill up the appropriate details.
9. The field functionary must ensure that all the mandatory documents are enclosed along with the
duly filled up forms as per checklist before registering the claim for second instalment.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must inform the beneficiary that she must keep the
acknowledgement safely as she will have to submit it while applying for the third
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must submit these completes forms to her Supervisor / ANM
- The Supervisor / ANM must sign the verification after validating the following:
o The form is complete- all fields marked mandatory in the form must be
correctly filled.
o All required documents are attached with the form:
 Copy of beneficiary Aadhaar card/ Alternate ID
 Copy of beneficiary MCP Card.
- The Supervisor / ANM should submit all complete and valid forms to the Project Office
for data entry.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must keep a photocopy of the filled forms to be maintained at
the AWC/ Village. In absence of a Xerox machine, she must fill the details on another
form without taking the signature of the beneficiary.
- The AWW/ ASHA / ANM should put up the list of beneficiaries who have received the
second instalment.
1.5. Form 1-C: Submission of fulfilment of Condition by Beneficiary (Third
The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to assist the beneficiary in filling up the form for receiving the third
instalment under the scheme. The following instructions must be adhered to while filling up the form:
1. The beneficiary should fill her name as given during registration in Form 1-A. The beneficiary to submit
a copy of acknowledgment slip of previous Instalment claimed in case she is already registered under
the scheme. In absence of the acknowledgment slip, the beneficiary will have to fill the registration
form [Form 1-A] again.
2. The beneficiary must fill her 12 Digit Aadhaar Number and enclose copy of her Aadhaar.
Important: The beneficiary should be made aware that to receive the 3rd Instalment she must
mandatorily furnish her Aadhaar Details.
Note: Alternate ID for this installment will be accepted only in Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and
Meghalaya. In this case, if the beneficiary provided an Alternate Identity Proof during time of
registration, she has to fill the Alternate Identity Proof number and enclose a copy of the same
3. Record the date of delivery in dd/mm/yyyy format.
4. Tick the appropriate column.
i. If the child was delivered in a government approved health facility, write the name of the
health facility. Here, the Government approved Health facility includes institutional delivery in
private hospitals recognised by the Government.
5. Tick the appropriate column.
6. Tick the appropriate column.
7. Enter the details as recorded in the MCP card.
8. Enter the date of completion of first cycle of immunization of child as per Annexure L. The
AWW/ASHA/ANM should check whether all the scheduled vaccines up to 3 ½ months have been given
to child. The first cycle of immunization consists of vaccine doses of BCG, Hepatitis B (Birth, 1, 2, and
3), OPV (0, 1, 2 and 3), DPT (1, 2, 3); or equivalent.
9. Tick the appropriate column.
10. The beneficiary must submit a copy of:
i. Child’s Birth Certificate
ii. MCP Card
iii. Beneficiary’s Aadhaar Card.
iv. Acknowledgement Slip of previous installment
11. Enter the ID number of beneficiary as recorded in MCP card.
12. Details to be filled up by AWW/ASHA/ANM relating to their AWC/Village/Health Facility.
13. The field functionary filling up the form must ensure that all the mandatory documents are enclosed
along with the forms to be submitted and ‘Y’ is written in case it is enclosed.
14. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must fill and sign the acknowledgement slip which will be given to the
15. The beneficiary must sign the form/ provide her thumb impression along with the place (name of
village/town) and date after checking all details provided by her are correct.
- Inform the beneficiary that she must keep the acknowledgement safely for future
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM should submit complete forms to her Supervisor / ANM
- The Supervisor/ ANM must sign the verification after validating the following:
o The form is complete- all fields marked mandatory in the form are correctly
filled up.
o All required documents are attached with the form.
- The Supervisor/ ANM should submit all complete and valid forms to the CDPO/MO
(Health block).
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must keep a copy of the forms submitted to Supervisor/ANM
and must record details in Form 4-B.
Important: In case LMP date is not recorded on MCP card, the application received after 460
days from the date of birth of the child are not eligible.
1.6. Bunching of Benefits:
The AWW/ASHA/ANM should refer to the guidelines mentioned below and the table to understand
course of action in cases where the beneficiary submits the claim for more than one installment/ or
directly for 2nd or 3rd installment.
Beneficiaries should apply preferably just after fulfilment of conditionalities to make proper use of the
benefits received under the scheme towards meeting the scheme objectives. In case she could not apply
within the normal time frame, the following may be considered:
i. No maternity claim under the scheme shall be admitted after 730 days of pregnancy. LMP
registered in the MCP card will be the date of pregnancy to be considered in this respect.
ii. The instalments may be claimed independently and not interlinked with each other, subject
to fulfilment of eligibility criteria and conditionalities.
iii. A beneficiary can apply, at any point of time but not later than 730 days of pregnancy, even if
she had not claimed any of the instalments earlier but fulfils eligibility criterion and
conditionalities for receiving benefits.
iv. In cases where LMP date is not recorded in MCP card viz. a beneficiary is coming for claim of
third instalment under the scheme, the claim in such cases must be submitted within 460 days
from the date of birth of the child beyond which period no claim shall be entertained.
v. Under bunching of instalments, a number of combinations are possible. For the sake of clarity,
the forms to be submitted and conditionalities to be verified are given in table below:
Table: Bunching Combinations
S.No Case Forms to be filled
by Beneficiary
Verification by AWW/ASHA/ANM
1 Beneficiary has not claimed the first
instalment under the scheme and
applies for claiming the first
instalment only.
Form 1-A  Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
2 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first instalment under the scheme
but applies directly for claiming the
second instalment only.
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B
 At least one ANC
3 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first instalment under the scheme
and applies directly for claiming
both first and second instalments
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 At least one ANC
4 Beneficiary who has registered
herself under the scheme and
claimed the first instalment, and
applies directly for claiming the third
instalment only under the scheme
Form 1-C  Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
5 Beneficiary who has registered
herself under the scheme and
claimed the first instalment, and
applies directly for claiming both
second and third instalment
together under the scheme
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
6 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first and second instalment under
the scheme and applies directly for
claiming the third instalment only
under the scheme
Form 1-A;
Form 1-C
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
7 Beneficiary who has not claimed the
first and second instalment under
the scheme and applies directly for
claiming second and third
instalment together under the
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
8 Beneficiary has not claimed the first
and second instalment under the
scheme and applies directly for
claiming first, second and third
instalment together under the
Form 1-A;
Form 1-B;
Form 1-C
 Early registration of pregnancy within
150 days from the date of LMP
 At least one ANC
 Child Birth Registration
 Child has received first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
1.7. Form 2-A: Application for Aadhaar Seeding Of Bank Account of Beneficiary
The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to facilitate seeding of the beneficiary’s bank account with her Aadhaar
number, in case it is not already seeded and the submission of this form to the concerned bank branch.
1.8. PART 2–B: Application for Aadhaar Seeding Of Post Office Account of Beneficiary
The AWW/ASHA/ANM has to facilitate seeding of beneficiary’s Post Office Account with her Aadhaar
number, in case it is not already seeded.
1.9. PART 2-C: Application for Aadhaar Enrolment and Correction Form
1. The AWW/ASHA/ANM has to facilitate enrolment of the beneficiary and/or the husband, in case they don’t
have it within 90 days of applying for benefits under the scheme. Aadhaar is also mandatory for claiming
the third installment under the scheme.
2. The AWW/ASHA/ANM must inform the beneficiary/ husband (resident) that this form can be used also for
correction of the details like address, phone number etc. that are registered with UIDAI.
3. AWW/ ASHA/ ANM has to help the beneficiary correctly fill up the form using the following guidelines:
Field 2
Beneficiary/ husband (Resident) may bring his/her National Population Register Survey slip (if available) and fill
up the column.
Field 3
Write full name without salutations/titles. Please bring the original* Proof of Identity (POI) document. (See list A
below). Variation in Resident’s Name in contrast to PoI is permissible as long as the change is minor spelling only,
without altering the Name in PoI document. For Example: If Resident’s PoI reads “Preeti”, then “Priti” can be
recorded if Resident wants so.
Field 5
Fill in Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format. If exact Date of Birth is not known, approximate age in Years may be
filled in the space provided. Please bring the original Proof of Date of Birth (DoB), if available. (See list D below).
Declared checkbox may be selected if Resident does not have a valid proof of Date of Birth document. Verified
checkbox is selected where Resident has provided documents as proof of Date of birth.
Field 6
Write complete address. Please bring the original Proof of Address (POA) document. (See list B below). Please note
that the Aadhaar letter will be delivered at the given address only.
• To include Parent / Guardian / Husband name as part of the address, select the appropriate box and enter
the name of the person.
• Minor Corrections / Enhancements are permissible to make the address complete without altering the base
address as mentioned in the POA document.
Field 7
• In case of children below 5 years, it is mandatory to provide father/mother/guardian details with their
Aadhaar or EID number.
• If the resident is not holding a Proof of Identity & using the Head of the Family identity for enrolment, it is
mandatory to provide Head of the family’s details with his/her Aadhaar or EID number. Please refer
illustration below for filling EID. Please bring the original Proof of Relationship (POR) document. (See list C
• For other cases, it is optional for the resident to fill up the relationship details.
Field 8
Write the name of Documents for PoI and PoA. In case proof of Date of Birth is available, then write the name of
Date of Birth document. If the resident is not holding a Proof of Identity & using the Head of Family based
enrolment, then write the name of Proof of Relationship document. For Valid list of documents, please refer list
of Documents below.
Field 9
Resident who does not have POI and POA may get enrolled through an Introducer/ Head of Family. Pl contact
nearest enrolment centre or your Registrar, for further details.
List A. POI documents List B. POA documents
1. Passport
2. PAN Card
3. Ration/ PDS Photo Card
4. Voter ID
5. Driving License
6. Government Photo ID Cards/ service
photo identity card issued by PSU
7. NREGS Job Card
8. Photo ID issued by Recognized
Educational Institution
9. Arms License
10. Photo Bank ATM Card
11. Photo Credit Card
12. Pensioner Photo Card
13. Freedom Fighter Photo Card
14. Kishan Photo Passbook
15. CGHS / ECHS Photo Card
16. Address Card having Name and Photo
issued by Department of Posts
17. Certificate of Identify having photo
issued by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar
on letterhead
18. Disability ID Card/handicapped medical
certificate issued by the respective
1. Passport
2. Bank Statement/ Passbook
3. Post Office Account
4. Ration Card
5. Voter ID
6. Driving License
7. Government Photo ID cards/ service
photo identity card issued by PSU
8. Electricity Bill (not older than 3
9. Water bill (not older than 3 months)
10. Telephone Landline Bill (not older than
3 months)
11. Property Tax Receipt (not older than
one year)
12. Credit Card Statement (not older than
3 months)
13. Insurance Policy
14. Signed Letter having Photo from Bank
on letterhead
15. Signed Letter having Photo issued by
registered Company on letterhead
16. Signed Letter having Photo issued by
Recognized Educational Instruction on
17. NREGS Job Card
18. Arms License
19. Pensioner Card
20. Freedom Fighter Card
21. Kishan Passbook
22. CGHS / ECHS Card
23. Certificate of Address having photo
issued by MP or MLA or Gazetted Officer
or Tehsildar on letterhead
24. Certificate of Address issued by Village
Panchayat head or its equivalent
authority (for rural areas)
25. Income Tax Assessment Order
26. Vehicle Registration Certificate
27. Registered Sale / Lease / Rent
28. Address Card having Photo issued by
Department of Posts
29. Caste and Domicile Certificate having
Photo issued by State Govt.
30. Disability ID Card/handicapped medical
certificate issued by the respective
31. Gas Connection Bill (not older than 3
32. Passport of Husband
33. Passport of Parents(in case of Minor)
34. Allotment letter of accommodation
issued by Central/State Govt. of not
more than 3 years old
35. Marriage Certificate issued by the
Government, containing address.
List C. POR documents List D. DOB documents
1. PDS Card
2. MNREGA Job Card
3. CGHS/State Government/ECHS/ESIC
Medical card
4. Pension Card
5. Army Canteen Card
6. Passport
7. Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of
Birth, Municipal Corporation and other
notified local government bodies like
Taluk, Tehsil etc.
8. Any other Central/State government
issued family entitlement document
9. Marriage Certificate Issued by the
1. Birth Certificate
2. SSLC Book/Certificate
3. Passport
4. Certificate of Date of Birth issued by
Group A Gazetted Officer on Letterhead
5. PAN Card
6. Mark sheet issued by any Govt. Board or
7. Govt. Photo ID Card/Photo Identity card issued
by PSU containing DoB.
8. Central/State Pension payment order.
9. Central Govt. Health Service Scheme photo card
or Ex-Servicemen
Instructions f or filling up EID Num ber
1.10. Form 3: Form for updating beneficiary details:
The AWW/ ASHA /ANM has to assist the beneficiary in filling up the form for updating her registered
details under the scheme. The beneficiary will be required to fill and submit this form at the AWC/ Village
in any of the following circumstances:
1. Her present address changes.
2. Her mobile number changes.
3. Her bank account details change because it was not seeded to Aadhaar or she seeded a new bank
account with Aadhaar or any other reason.
4. Her name as in Aadhaar has been updated.
5. Her Aadhaar number has been allotted and she wishes to provide same in place of Alternate
Identity given at time of registration.
The above mentioned cases may also result in rejection of application for a beneficiary. AWW/ ASHA
/ANM will receive a list of such beneficiaries from their respective supervisor/ANM and they need to
assist such beneficiaries to update the required details.
The following guidelines have to be adhered to while filling up the form:
1. The beneficiary must fill her name as given during Registration under the scheme in Form 1 -
2. The beneficiary must fill the 12 digit Aadhaar number of the beneficiary or her Aadhaar
Enrolment ID Number, as given during Registration under the scheme in Form 1 -A.
3. The beneficiary must be helped to fill up the AWC/ Village name by the AWW/ASHA/ANM.
4. The beneficiary must be helped to fill up the AWC/ Village code by the AWW/ASHA/ANM.
5. The beneficiary must be helped to fill up the name of AWW/ASHA/ANM by the
6. The beneficiary must tick which details are required to be updated. She may update more than
one type of detail through the same form.
7. The beneficiary must fill appropriate details in the form. The old as well as the new details
must be filled up.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must inform the beneficiary that she must keep the acknowledgement
- The Supervisor / ANM must submit these forms to the project office for beneficiary details
update in the system.
- The field functionary filling up the form must ensure that all the mandatory documents
are enclosed along with the forms to be submitted and ‘Y’ is written in case it is enclosed
and ‘NA’ in case it is not applicable.
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must submit all such forms to her Supervisor / ANM.
- The Supervisor/ANM must verify that all the details provided in the form have been
correctly entered. She has to fill up her name before signing with the Date and Sector
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must fill, sign and give the acknowledgement to the beneficiary
- The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must keep a copy of the forms submitted to Supervisor/ANM
and must update details in Form 4-B.
1.11. Form 4: Monthly Record of Beneficiaries
Form 4 series is for maintaining the monthly extract of the beneficiaries for easy retrieval/
updation of information of the PMMVY beneficiary by the AWW/ASHA/ANM. This shall be
maintained in triplicate and at the beginning of every month two copies after updation of all
records shall be submitted to Supervisor/ANM. For this, the State/UT may provide printed
1.12. Form 4-A: Register Format for Recording Beneficiary Details For the Reporting
This form is the cover page of Monthly Progress Report (MPR) for the reporting month.
A. The AWW/ ASHA /ANM must fill up the details each month and submit two signed copies of this
record for a particular month along with Form 4-B for that particular month to the Supervisor/ANM
concerned at the beginning of next month. The original copy shall be retained in the register. The
date of submission to ANM/Supervisor needs to be mentioned in the copy as well as the original
monthly record.
B. The Supervisor/ANM needs to collect the two copies of MPRs from each of the AWCs/Villages
under their jurisdiction and hand over one copy after signature to the CDPO/MO of their
jurisdiction and retain a copy for their record.
Important: LGD code stands for Local Government Directory (LGD; http://www.lgdirectory.gov.in.)
application which is a standard location directory that also provides an online mechanism for updating
the same up to Gram Panchayat and village level. Under this system, a village is assigned a code which
can be verified from the above mentioned website. The CDPOs/MOs should provide a printed copy of
this code to all AWCs/Villages/ Approved Health Facilities for their ready reference. The advantage of
LGD is that suppose there are five villages under the jurisdiction of CDPO by name of Rampur. It will be
difficult to identify them by name but by assigning code they can uniquely identified. This also helps
when new districts are created.
1.13. Form 4-B: Monthly Status of PMMVY Beneficiaries Registered At
AWC/Village/Approved Health Facility
A. Serially record the Status of all beneficiaries from the previous month who have not exited from
the scheme. Thereafter record the fresh cases during the month.
B. This Form will serve as the PMMVY register for a year for AWC/ Village as well as MPR for a
particular month for the jurisdiction concerned.
C. The record is to be filled up every month by the AWW/ ASHA /ANMs to report the details for all
the beneficiaries facilitated by her during the given month.
D. The field functionary maintaining this record must update it for each beneficiary on receiving the
reports/information from the CDPO through the Supervisor/ANM.
E. A beneficiary’s progress is tracked in this form each month until she exits from scheme.
F. Two signed copies of this record for a particular month needs to be handed over to the
Supervisor/ANM concerned at the earliest in next month. The date of submission to
ANM/Supervisor needs to be mentioned in the copy as well as the original monthly record.
G. The Supervisor/ANM needs to collect the two copies of MPRs from each of the AWCs/Villages
under their jurisdiction and hand them over to the CDPO/MO of their jurisdiction.
a. The Supervisor/ANM needs to sign and mention the date of submission at CDPO/MO.
H. The AWW/ASHA/ANM should adhere the following guidelines while filling up the monthly record:
 Col 2 & 4: Name & Category
- This should be the same as information from Form 1-A form for a particular beneficiary.
 Col 3: Aadhaar Number or Alternate ID number
- This should be the same as information from Form 1-A form for a particular beneficiary. In case
beneficiary has received Aadhaar number later, the same must be updated here.
 Col 5 & 6: Status in Reporting Month
- The current status of the woman – whether the woman is Pregnant or Lactating and what is her
month of Pregnancy or Lactation will be written here. P- 8 means the woman is 8 months pregnant.
L-4 means the woman is 4 months lactating. E.g., if a woman is P-6 in February, she will be P-7 in
March and so on.
 Col 7-9: Type of Beneficiary:
- Whether the beneficiary is continuing from previous month or is a new entrant needs to be ticked
in the respective Columns. E.g., tick in Col. 7 if she was a beneficiary in previous month also. Tick in
Col. 8 if the beneficiary is a new entry because she is newly pregnant. Tick in Col. 9 if the beneficiary
is a new entry because she has migrated in the area.
 Col 10-12: Instalment(s):
- In that particular month, write currently which instalment is pending (Col. 10) and due (Col. 11) to
the beneficiary and which instalment has the beneficiary received (Col. 12). Write ‘0’/ ‘1’st/ ‘2’nd/
‘3’rd, in the respective columns.
- Pending (Col. 10) is to be filled for all beneficiaries whose payment is pending.
o Pending means that the beneficiary had fulfilled conditionality for receiving a
particular instalment last month but has not received instalment even after 1
month of fulfilling the conditionality.
o If multiple instalments are pending, suppose 1st and 2nd, then the column
should be filled as ‘1’st ; ‘2’nd
- Due (Col. 11) is to be filled for all beneficiaries whose payment is due.
o Instalment due means instalment for which the beneficiary has fulfilled the
conditionality this month.
o If multiple instalments are due, suppose 2nd and 3rd, then the column should
be filled as ‘2’nd ; ‘3’rd
- Received (Col. 12) is to be filled for all beneficiaries whose payment has been received. The
CDPO/MO shall send the list of payments and rejections along with reasons to each AWC/Approved
Health facility and details will be updated in this form.
o Received means that beneficiary has received the instalment in this month.
o If multiple instalments are received, suppose 1st and 2nd, then the column
should be filled as ‘1’st ; ‘2’nd
- Important: The instalment pending and received in that particular month can be more than one.
 Col 13: Bank Account /Post office Account Number:
- The Bank Account /Post office Account Number of Beneficiary is to be filled here after verification
from the original/photocopy of the passbook.
 Col 14: Mobile Number:
- The beneficiaries’ mobile number needs to be entered in this column.
 Col 15: Reason for exit from Scheme:
- When the beneficiary exits from the Scheme, write the code for the reason of exit. Example:
o Write ‘0’ in case she has received all due instalments,
o Write ‘1’ in case she has migrated out.
o Write ‘2’ in case of death of beneficiary during the Scheme period.
o Write ‘3’ if case of death of infant of beneficiary between birth and 6 months
of age.
o Write ‘4’ in case the beneficiary is not traceable for six weeks.
o Write ‘5’ in case the beneficiary suffers from a still birth.
o Write ‘6’ in case the beneficiary suffers from a miscarriage
- Calculate totals from Col. 5 and 7-12 and 15, as indicated. For Col 10-12, against 1st, the total
number of beneficiaries for whom 1st is written is to be counted.
- In case, 1st and 2nd both are written, each will be counted and so on.
 This abstract should be made by the 3
of every month, when the Form 4 -B of the register is filled.
Details of number of women of each status are available in Col 4 & 5 of Form 4 -B of register. E.g.,
if there are 4 women whose status is P6 in Col 4 & 5, then 4 will be written against P6. The total of
monthly abstract should be same as total of Col 4 of Form 4 -B of register.
 This abstract will give an overview of the status-wise (E.g., P8, L4, etc.) number of beneficiaries in
every month. This will also reflect clearly as to how many women are due for instalments in the
month. E.g., women with status P7 will be due for 1st instalment and women with status L4 will be
due for 2nd
instalment if conditions are fulfilled. Women with status L6 will be due for 3rd
instalment in next month. These numbers should tally with Col 10 of Form 4 -B of register.
 Abstract of the Month:
a. After filling-up the details in Form 4 –B of the Register i.e., the monthly record of beneficiaries
under PMMVY, write an abstract of number of Pregnant and Lactating women status-wise in the
format given below of Form 4 -B of register:
Number of
Women (P)
Number of
Women (L)
P1 L1
P2 L2
P3 L3
P4 L4
P5 L5
P6 L6
Total P: Total L:
Grand Total (P+L):
Annexure C
1 Roles and Responsibilities of Anganwadi Worker (AWW)
1.1 Information Dissemination
Understand the details of the PMMVY Scheme and create awareness about scheme to eligible women
within their jurisdiction and use any promotional material that is provided for the purpose.
1.2 Identification of Potential Beneficiaries
Identification of potential beneficiaries has to be done through regular activities of AWW such as home
survey, health visits/camps and interaction with potential beneficiaries who may visit the Anganwadi, as
well as examination of registers maintained in the Anganwadi and participation in VHSND.
1.3 Assist Beneficiaries for Registration under the Scheme
a. Determine which form(s) need to be filled up by the beneficiary.
b. Help beneficiary to fill-up the form(s) completely and make necessary attachments as required.
c. If the beneficiary has yet to comply with conditionalities as per the scheme, facilitate the same by
coordinating with the Local Health Worker.
d. If the beneficiary/ her husband does not have an Aadhaar number, help them to get enrolled.
e. If the beneficiary does not have a Bank account or Post Office account, help her in account opening.
1.4 Acceptance and Verification of Form(s)
a. Ensure that all required documents are attached with the respective form(s) as mentioned in the
scheme guidelines.
b. Ensure that the bank/ Post-office account provided during registration in the scheme belongs to the
beneficiary only.
c. Ensure that the beneficiary submits the same ID proof that she had registered with at the time of claim
of subsequent instalments.
d. Ensure that the beneficiary provides Aadhaar details as soon as it is available.
1.5 Acknowledgement and PMMVY Register Entry
a. Provide acknowledgment of form receipt by signing on the relevant portion of the form along with
rubber stamp of Anganwadi (if available).
b. Enter each of the form(s) so received in the prescribed PMMVY Register in order of date of receipt of
1.6 Submission of Form(s) to Supervisor
a. Make bundles of all form(s) received in the same order of PMMVY register entry.
b. Submit the form(s) to the Supervisor and obtain signature from supervisor in the form register. Ensure
that the Supervisor verifies each of the form(s) before affixing their signature.
c. Form(s) should be handed over to the supervisor within 7 days or earlier from the date of receipt.
d. Keep a photocopy of the filled form(s) to be maintained at the AWC/ Village. In absence of a Xerox
machine, she must fill the details on another form without taking the signature of the beneficiary.
1.7 Corrections to Form(s) already submitted
a. Application form(s) would be returned back to AWW on account of incorrect Aadhaar details
(Beneficiary and/or Husband) and/or incorrect Bank/ Post-office account/ Post Office Account details.
b. The AWW should contact the applicant and necessary corrections to the form(s) are to be made using
a Fresh form.
c. The Fresh form along with the Old form(s) should be submitted to the supervisor for processing within
30 days of its receipt.
d. In the event of migration of applicant, a message is to be sent to the applicant if feasible.
1.8 Maintaining the PMMVY Register
a. The AWW must make an entry in the PMMVY register as soon as a beneficiary has submitted the
registration form.
b. This register must be updated regularly for each application submitted by the beneficiary as soon as
she fulfils the eligibility criteria for future Instalments.
c. Changes to the address, mobile number, Aadhaar number, bank/ Post-office account/ post office
account number must be entered promptly.
d. For those beneficiaries who are already registered under the old MBP (IGMSY), a fresh entry with all
details will have to be made in the PMMVY Register.
e. For beneficiaries who have newly migrated into the locality or have migrated out of the locality should
be recorded in the PMMVY Register if it comes to the knowledge of the AWW as part of their routine
f. In the event of any corrections in the beneficiary details for form(s) already submitted, an entry must
be made in the PMMVY Register against the beneficiary name along with the new date of submission.
g. In the event of a miscarriage or still birth, the same should be recorded in the PMMVY Register if it
comes to the knowledge of the AWW as part of their routine work.
h. Information received from the Supervisor regarding the status of registration, payments to the
beneficiary and rejections should be recorded in the PMMVY Register.
1.9 Dissemination of Beneficiary Payments, Grievance Handling
a. Each month, a list of beneficiaries who have received payments would be provided by the Child
Development Project Office; intimation to the beneficiary is to be given by the AWW with a request to
verify their account for same.
b. A monthly report (MPR) (Copy of Form-4 of register) must be submitted to the supervisor for discussion
and validation during the monthly meetings and submission to the Project Office/Health Block Office.
c. Usually, grievance would be pertaining to delayed or incorrect payments. If this is the case, then details
should be recorded and discussed with the supervisor during fortnightly/monthly meetings for
resolution of the same.
d. All queries and issues for which the AWW doesn’t have appropriate or complete knowledge should be
escalated to the supervisor.
1.10 Promoting Scheme objective
a. AWW shall promote health seeking behaviour among beneficiaries, advise them for adequate rest
before and after delivery and timely vaccination of the child.
b. AWW shall spread awareness about health seeking behaviour through VHSND meeting.
c. AWW should encourage beneficiaries of the scheme to get their ANC done under the Pradhan Mantri
Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA). The PMSMA initiative provides antenatal care services to
pregnant women by Obstetrician/Gynaecologist / Radiologist/ Physicians at approved health facilities,
with support from private sector doctors.
1.11 Proper maintenance of record
a. The forms submitted by beneficiary contains sensitive personal information such as Aadhaar number,
bank/post office account, medical history etc. Such details should be kept in safe custody in lock and
key. The records may be destroyed as per procedure given in guidelines.
b. The forms should be handed over to authorised persons only.
2 Roles and Responsibilities of Anganwadi Helper (AWH)
a) AWH will create awareness and distribute promotional material, if any, available at AWC.
b) She will assist AWW in identification of potential beneficiary.
c) She will inform beneficiary about the camps organised at AWC for enrolment of Aadhaar, opening of
bank account, vaccination etc.
d) She will promote objective of the scheme such as health seeking behaviour, advice for rest before and
after delivery, regular check-up etc.
3 Roles and Responsibilities of ASHA/ANM
3.1 Information Dissemination
Understand the details of the PMMVY Scheme and create awareness about scheme to eligible women
within her jurisdiction and use any promotional material that is provided for the purpose.
3.2 Identification of Potential Beneficiaries
Identification of potential beneficiaries is to be done through activities such as interactions with local
Anganwadis, active participation in VHSND by Health workers.
3.3 Assist Beneficiaries for Registration under the Scheme
a. Determine which form(s) need to be filled up by the beneficiary.
b. Help beneficiary to fill-up the form(s) completely and make necessary attachments as required.
c. If the beneficiary has yet to comply with conditionalities as per the scheme, facilitate the same by
coordinating with the Local Health Worker.
d. If the beneficiary/ her husband does not have an Aadhaar number, help them to get enrolled.
e. If the beneficiary does not have a Bank account or Post Office account, help her in account opening.
3.4 Acceptance and Verification of Form(s)
a. Ensure that all required documents are attached with the respective form(s) as mentioned in scheme
b. Ensure that the bank/ Post-office account provided during registration belongs to the beneficiary only.
c. Ensure that the beneficiary submits the same ID proof that she had registered with at the time of claim
of subsequent instalments.
d. Ensure that the beneficiary provides Aadhaar card as soon as it is available.
e. If the above tasks are done by an ASHA worker, then it has to be ensured that the form(s) are provided
to the concerned ANM for acceptance and cross verification. Alternatively if the above tasks are done
by an ANM, then the acceptance and verification formalities can be completed by the ANM.
3.5 Acknowledgement and PMMVY Register Entry
a. Health worker to provide acknowledgment of form receipt by signing on the relevant portion of the
form along with rubber stamp of Health Facility (if available).
b. The acknowledgement slips can be sent back through the respective ASHA worker back to the
beneficiaries in the event there is no direct interaction with the beneficiary.
c. Enter each of the form(s) so received in the prescribed PMMVY Register (that is generally maintained
at the Health Facility) in order of date of receipt of form(s).
3.6 Submission of Form(s) for Processing
a. Make bundles of all verified and acknowledged form(s) in the same order of PMMVY register entry.
b. Submit the form(s) to the ANM (in case of submission by ASHA) and obtain signature from the accepting
c. Form(s) should be handed over by registering authority to next authority within one week from date of
registration/ from the date of receipt of forms.
d. Keep a photocopy of the filled form(s) to be maintained at the AWC/ Village. In absence of a Xerox
machine, she must fill the details on another form without taking the signature of the beneficiary.
3.7 Corrections to Form(s) already submitted
a. Application form(s) would be returned back to ANM on account of incorrect Aadhaar details
(Beneficiary and/or Husband) and/or incorrect Bank/ Post-office account/ Post Office Account details,
which in turn will be handed over to the concerned ASHA worker.
b. The ASHA should contact the applicant and necessary corrections to the form(s) are to be made using
a Fresh form.
c. The Fresh form along with the Old form(s) should be submitted to the ANM for processing within 30
days of its receipt.
d. In the event of migration of applicant, a message is to be sent to the applicant if feasible.
3.8 Maintaining the PMMVY Register
a. An entry in the PMMVY register should be made as soon as a beneficiary has submitted the registration
form. The register must be updated regularly for each application submitted by the beneficiary as soon
as she fulfils the eligibility criteria for future Instalments.
b. Changes to the address, mobile number, Aadhaar number, bank/ Post-office account/ post office
account number must be entered promptly.
c. For those beneficiaries who are already registered under the old MBP (IGMSY), a fresh entry with all
details will be made in the PMMVY Register.
d. For beneficiaries who have newly migrated into the locality or have migrated out of the locality should
be recorded in the PMMVY Register if it comes to the knowledge of the ASHA/ANM as part of their
routine work.
e. In the event of any corrections in the beneficiary details for form(s) already submitted, an entry must
be made in the PMMVY Register against the beneficiary name along with the new date of submission.
f. In the event of a miscarriage or still birth, the same should be recorded in the PMMVY Register.
g. Information received from the higher processing authority regarding the status of registration,
payments to the beneficiary and rejections should be recorded in the PMMVY Register.
h. Two copies of monthly records/MPR (Form-4 of Register) must be made of which one must be
submitted to the Health Block Office and one must be kept with the ANM.
3.9 Dissemination of Beneficiary Payments & Grievance Handling
a. Each month, a list of beneficiaries who have received payments would be provided by the Health Block
Office; intimation to the beneficiary is to be given by the ASHA with a request to verify their account
for same.
b. A monthly report must be prepared in the prescribed format based on the information available in the
PMMVY Register for discussion during the monthly meetings.
c. Usually, grievance would be pertaining to delayed or incorrect payments. If this is the case, then details
should be recorded and discussed with the higher processing authority during fortnightly/monthly
meetings for resolution of the same.
d. All queries and issues raised by the beneficiaries to the ASHA/ANM has to be responded in consultation
with the higher processing authorities, unless such information is available with them.
3.10 Promoting scheme objective
a. ASHA/ ANM shall promote health seeking behaviour among beneficiaries, advise them for adequate
rest before and after delivery and timely vaccination of the child.
b. ASHA/ ANM shall spread awareness about health seeking behaviour through VHSND meeting.
c. ASHA/ ANM should encourage beneficiaries of the scheme to get their ANC done under the Pradhan
Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA). The PMSMA initiative provides antenatal care services to
pregnant women by Obstetrician/Gynaecologist / Radiologist/ Physicians at approved health facilities,
with support from private sector doctors.
3.11 Proper maintenance of record
a. The forms submitted by beneficiary contains sensitive personal information such as Aadhaar number,
bank/ post office account, medical history etc. Such details should be kept in safe custody in lock and
key. The records may be destroyed as per procedure given in guidelines.
b. The forms should be handed over to authorised persons only
4 Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisor/ANM
In the case of WCD/ Social Welfare the sector in-charge is the supervisor. In the case of Health/ Health and
Family Welfare Department ANM or a suitable equivalent level as applicable in the state shall be designated
as the supervisor.
4.1 Training and Scheme Facilitation of AWW/AWH/ASHA/ANM
a. The Supervisor must train the AWW/AWH/ASHA/ANM under her to explain the detailed guidelines of
the PMMVY. Follow up sessions must be conducted at regular intervals in order to convey any changes
in the scheme guidelines and to resolve any queries.
b. The enabling requirements for the scheme implementation such as adequacy of staff, coordination
activities, stationery etc. are available for smooth operations.
4.2 Collection, Verification and Acknowledgement of Form(s)
a. Organize to collect the form(s) from the Anganwadi Centre/ Health Facilities every week.
b. Check that the form(s) collected, have been duly verified and entered in the PMMVY Register.
c. Cross check the details with record available at AWC / Health facility.
d. Ensure all required documents are attached with the respective form(s) as mentioned in scheme
e. In case of any problems identified in the above steps, the Supervisor must get the details corrected
through the AWW/Health Worker.
f. Ensure that all acknowledgements have been given to the beneficiaries.
g. Acknowledge the receipt of forms from AWW/ Health worker.
4.3 Submission of the Form(s) at Project Office/ Health Block Office
a. Submit the form(s) collected from all Anganwadi Centre/Health Facilities at the Project Office/Health
Block Office for further processing on the IT System.
b. Collect form(s) from the Project Office/Health Block Office that have been rejected by the IT system so
as to get them corrected through the respective Anganwadi Centre/ Health Facility.
4.4 Monitoring Activities
a. Collect the monthly reports/MPR from the AWWs/ASHAs/ANMs and submit a signed copy to the
Project Office/ Health Block Office.
b. Ensure that the AWWs/ASHAs maintain a record of the submitted monthly reports and sign against it
ensuring that the report has been submitted by AWW/ASHAs/ANMs.
c. Collect the report Anganwadi Centre/ Village/ Health Facility on status of registration in IT system and
payment of beneficiaries from the Project Office/ Health Block Office. Give a copy of the report to the
respective AWWs/ASHAs/ANMs and retain a copy for records.
4.5 Handling Exceptional Cases
a. As per the status report received from Project Office/ Health Block Office, ensure that necessary steps
are taken by the AWW/ASHA for all beneficiaries whose registration or payment has failed due to
incorrect or incomplete information.
b. Keep a record of updates in details of the beneficiaries.
4.6 Grievance Handling and Escalation
a. Solve all queries of the AWW/ASHA/ANM related to conditions and guidelines of the scheme.
b. Keep a record of these queries.
c. If there are recurring queries from AWWs/ASHAs/ANMs, try to explain the same to them through an
orientation session in the upcoming fortnightly meeting.
d. For queries for which the Supervisor/ANM has limited knowledge or no knowledge like the payment
status of a particular beneficiary, get relevant information from the Project Office/ Health Block Office
and inform the AWW/ ASHA at the earliest.
4.7 Proper maintenance of record
a. The forms submitted by beneficiary contains sensitive personal information such as Aadhaar number,
bank/ post office account, medical history etc. Such details should be kept in safe custody in lock and
key. The records may be destroyed as per procedure given in guidelines.
b. The forms should be handed over to authorised persons only.
5 Roles and Responsibilities officer at Block/Project level
implementing PMMVY
For the States/UTs implementing the scheme through WCD/Social Welfare Department, Project under
Anganwadi services will be the unit for entering data into IT system.
For the States/UTs implanting scheme through Health/Health and Family Welfare Department, Health
block will be the unit from where data will be entered into the system.
The States/ UTs may designate an officer at Health Block level for administering the scheme. The officer
at project level (CDPO), in case of States/UTs implementing the scheme through WCD/social welfare
department, and medical officers designated at the level of health block, in case of States/UTs
implanting scheme through Health/Health and Family Welfare Department, will be sanctioning
authority for the amount to be credited in account of beneficiaries.
5.1 General Responsibilities
a. Plan and manage the successful scheme operation at the block/Project level.
b. Ensure the availability of IT Systems (Hardware and Internet Connectivity), qualified personnel for data
entry, and Stationery (Beneficiary Form(s), PMMVY Registers etc.) at the Block Level and with
supervisors and Anganwadi centres.
c. Ensure proper and regular training is provided on the scheme to all the personnel associated with the
d. Review performance and trends in benefit disbursements.
e. Prepare budgetary projections for their block/Project and submit to the respective district nodal officer.
f. Coordinate with all respective stakeholders at the Block/ Project Level to ensure the success of the
scheme and ensure all activities of the Block Level PMMVY Cell are carried out properly.
g. Facilitate rectification of any data errors (and follow up actions thereon) resulting from system
malfunction or security breach for their block, as per agreed protocols.
h. Inform the District Nodal Officer in case of leaves of absence, in order to maintain tight control of access
to the software solution.
5.2 Collection of Form(s) from Supervisor/ANM
a. Consolidate the form(s) from the Supervisors and organize them in Anganwadi/Health facility wise
bundles for ease of data entry.
b. Check that the form(s) are duly signed by the supervisors and all required documents are attached
before data entry. If a form is not signed, the form must be immediately returned to the Supervisor for
completion and re-submission.
5.3 Data Entry in PMMVY System
a. Enter the data from the form(s) into the system.
b. The data must be entered from the photocopies attached as far as possible, especially Aadhaar/ ID
Number, Bank Office / Post Office account number.
c. In case of any unresolved discrepancy between the filled form(s) and the photo copies, must be
returned to Supervisors/ANMs for corrective action.
d. In case only Form 1-B or Form 1-C of a beneficiary, who is not registered in the system, are received,
return the form(s) to the Supervisor/ ANM with the reason of incomplete documents. It is mandatory
to fill Registration Form for any new beneficiary under the scheme irrespective of the instalment being
e. If a beneficiary comes for re-registration (cases of still birth or miscarriage or any other reason), check
that the husband name and ID is the same as recorded in the system. If not, the form must be rejected.
f. The exit reason, for the identified beneficiary, must be entered in the system from the monthly
performance report received for the respective month.
g. Before sanctioning, the details may be rechecked and update the discrepancies.
h. Refer to the User Manual of the software for any queries.
5.4 Updating Beneficiary Details in System
a. For the records which are rejected and become part of the correction queue, cross check the details of
the list of beneficiaries in the correction queue with their documents and make required changes.
b. In case of UIDAI and PFMS verification errors in a beneficiary record, write the rejection reason captured
in the software on the physical form of the beneficiary.
c. Make Anganwadi Centre/ Health Facility wise bundles of erroneous physical form(s) and handover to
respective Supervisor/ANM for corrective action.
d. Update the correct details of beneficiaries in correction queue after updated details are received from
the Supervisor/ANMs.
e. Make update in beneficiary details in the system, if Beneficiary Details Update Form 3 is received for
any beneficiary from the supervisors/ANMs.
f. Update beneficiary exit cases based on Anganwadi wise monthly reports received from
5.5 Approvals of Beneficiary Registration and Instalment Claims
a. Regularly log into the PMMVY software application and approve the registrations and instalment claims
of the beneficiaries after verification of data entered.
b. Cross check if the data entered matches the physical form(s) received especially for the exceptional
c. Reject the registration records of the beneficiaries, which are found to be erroneous and provide
guidance on rectifications.
d. All the approved records must fulfil the conditions laid down in the scheme guidelines.
5.6 Reports Generation
a) Generate an Anganwadi Centre/ Village wise registration and payment status report and handover to
respective Supervisor/ANM
b) For any report generated Aadhaar Number of beneficiary should be masked in xxxx xxxx 1234 format.
5.7 Storage of Physical Form(s)
a. All the original physical form(s) and monthly reports which have been entered in the system must be
stored/need to be stored in a safe place by the officials in possession of the document (Field
Functionaries, CDPO/MO) and will be shared/ transferred with/to an authorized personnel only, if the
sharing/transfer is justified under the guidelines of the scheme.
b. Make Anganwadi Centre/ Health Facility wise bundles of form(s) and keep them safely under lock and
c. The documents should be shredded after two years from the date of archiving of document.
d. Aadhaar and Bank/ Post Office details of any beneficiary must never be made accessible to any
unauthorized person. All physical documents with Aadhaar details must be kept confidential.
5.8 Periodic Review of PMMVY Implementation
a. Conduct field visits to Anganwadi Centres/ Health facilities on a quarterly basis and check a random
sample of records to ensure that all registers and reports are maintained regularly in required formats.
b. Meet some beneficiaries in order to understand any issues related to the scheme.
c. Create reports of such visits and highlight any critical issues to the DNO for corrective action.
5.9 Grievance Handling and Escalation
a. Maintain a detailed log of all queries received from the field functionaries.
b. Assist the Supervisors in resolving these issues.
c. Escalate any unresolved issues to the District Nodal Officer which are out of the scope of CDPO/ Health
Block Office.
d. Analyse the nature of issues and organize sessions for field functionaries for recurring problems.
e. Report any system related issues to the state level helpdesk if they can’t be resolved through the user
f. DNO, as convener of Block/ Project level monitoring committee will ensure that all the pending issues/
grievances are brought to the notice of the monitoring committee.
6 Roles and Responsibilities of District Nodal Officer (DNO)
The States/ UTs may designate an officer at district level as District Nodal Officer (DNO). The roles and
responsibilities of the DNO shall be:
6.1 General Responsibilities
a. Plan and administer the scheme operation at the district level.
b. Ensure the availability of IT Systems (Hardware and Internet Connectivity), appropriate data, and
qualified personnel.
c. Ensure comprehensive training is provided to all the personnel regarding the system and the scheme.
d. Prepare budgetary projections in consultation with the block level authorities and get the same
e. Review district expenditures, performance and trends in benefit disbursements.
f. Coordinate all activities of the District Level PMMVY Cell and ensure implementation of the action
g. Facilitate the payment of incentives to the field functionaries as maybe applicable under the scheme.
h. Facilitate rectification of any data errors (and follow up actions thereon) resulting from system
malfunction or security breach for their district, as per agreed protocols.
6.2 Setup in the PMMVY System
a. Maintain the block/Project level information in the system along with mapping it with the Field
Functionaries within their district.
b. Setup the authorized users at the Block/Project Level who will have the power to sanction approvals of
benefits under the scheme.
c. Manage work allocation of sanctioning authorities during absence and handover/takeover to ensure
tight control of access to the software solution.
d. Coordinate any requirements related to technical support with the state technical team.
6.3 Grievance Handling
a. Ensure all cases escalated to him are cleared on a fortnightly basis.
b. Ensure all queries and cases outside his functional jurisdiction should be brought to the attention of
the State/UT Nodal Officer.
c. DNO, as convener of the District level monitoring committee will ensure that all the pending issues /
grievance brought to notice of monitoring committee.
7 Roles and Responsibilities of State/UT Nodal Officer (SNO)
The States/ UTs may designate an officer at State/UT level as State Nodal Officer (SNO). The roles and
responsibilities of the SNO shall be:
7.1 General Responsibilities
a. Serve as the focal person for the scheme at the State/UT level.
b. Plan and administer the scheme at the State/UT level.
c. Ensure timely and adequate availability of personnel, IT and other resources for the smooth
operations and submission of monthly report in Form 5-A.
d. Conduct in-depth analysis of the scheme performance and provide guidance to districts within their
State/UT that are lagging behind to ensure high performance levels, with particular attention to
delayed, incorrect and non-payments.
e. Manage work allocation of district nodal officers during absence and handover/takeover to ensure
tight control of access to the software solution.
f. Facilitate and manage the incentive payments to the Field functionaries (wherever applicable).
g. Authorize rectification of any data errors (and follow up actions thereon) resulting from system
malfunction or security breach for their State/UT, as per agreed protocols.
h. Address any issues arising from the old MBP (IGMSY) scheme and rollover of the cases to PMMVY as
per scheme guidelines.
i. In the event of handing over of charge, orient the new officer who would be taking over the
responsibility for this position.
7.2 Initial Activities for Launch of PMMVY
a. Obtain necessary approvals and open the State/UT Escrow Account.
b. Plan and implement comprehensive training of all field personnel regarding the PMMVY Scheme and
PMMVY-CAS, including identification of master trainers at the State/UT level and getting them
geared for state level training and technical support.
c. Provide updated master data for the PMMVY-CAS.
d. District Level User setup for State/UT users in the PMMVY-CAS.
e. Setup and Coordinate all activities of the State/UT Level PMMVY Cell.
f. Setup and Operationalize the State/UT Level Technical Helpdesk for PMMVY CAS.
7.3 Payments and Fund Management
a. Operate and manage the state escrow account for payment of benefits to beneficiaries.
b. Interact with the state treasury for all other expenditures, as maybe applicable.
c. Coordinate to ensure timely availability of both Central and State/UT Funds related to the scheme.
d. Manage district wise budgeting exercises for the entire State/UT, including re-appropriation of
e. Process payments to beneficiaries in the PMMVY-CAS and PFMS.
f. Facilitate exception management of non-payments at the State/UT level by interacting with Banks,
Post Offices etc.
7.4 Grievance Handling and Escalation
a. Ensure all grievance cases escalated to him are cleared on a fortnightly basis.
b. Analyse problems encountered and recommend systemic solutions.
c. Ensure all queries and cases outside his functional jurisdiction should be brought to the attention of
the Central Nodal Officer.
d. Manage the State/UT Level Technical Support Desk for the system.
e. SNO, as convener of the State/UT level monitoring committee shall ensure that all the pending issues
/ grievance brought to notice of monitoring committee
8 Roles and Responsibilities of Central Nodal Officer (CNO)
MWCD may designate one officer as Central Nodal Officer (CNO). The roles and responsibilities of CNO
shall be:
8.1 General Responsibilities
a. Serve as the focal person for the scheme at the national level.
b. Plan and administer the scheme at the national level by coordinating with respective State/UT
Implementing Departments for Implementation of PMMVY Scheme.
c. Ensure timely and adequate availability of all Central IT Infrastructure and Human Resources for the
smooth operations.
d. Ensure close coordination with the following agencies:
i. NIC, UIDAI, PFMS, DBT Portal, SDA (Software Developement Agency) for smooth running of
ii. Respective State Implementing Departments for Implementation of PMMVY-CAS.
e. Conduct in-depth analysis of the scheme performance and provide guidance to the States/UTs to
ensure targeted performance levels.
f. Critically examine working of the solution and work towards closure of unresolved, systemic and
process issues.
8.2 Initial Setup of PMMVY Requirements
a. Ensure all the State/UT Nodal Officers have created their respective State/UT Escrow Account.
b. Ensure nomination of State/UT nodal officers in each of the States/UT.
c. Setup of all national level users and state nodal officers in the PMMVY-CAS.
d. Setup and Coordinate all activities of the National PMMVY Cell.
8.3 PMMVY IT Solution related responsibilities
a. Provide guidance from the functional operations side in the event of routine maintenance, any major
system problem and/or security breach.
b. Authorize all changes to the PMMVY-CAS and update the fund release on PMMVY-CAS.
c. Assign system management login ID and password to technical personnel handling the IT solution and
their regular monitoring.
d. Address any issues pertaining to the external agencies for the smooth functioning of the PMMVY-CAS.
e. Approve rectification of any data errors (and follow up actions thereon) resulting from system
malfunction or security breach requiring attention at the national level in consultation with States/UTs,
as per agreed protocols.
8.4 Payments and Fund Management
a. Plan for the periodic Scheme Budget through national level budgeting exercises.
b. Plan and organize for Scheme Funds Availability through coordination with IFD of MWCD.
c. Ensure timely release of funds to respective States/UTs as per the scheme budget.
d. Closely monitor and intervene for release of State’s/UT’s share of scheme funds.
e. Monitor the Funds Utilization by respective States/UTs and make timely budgetary provision for the
States/UTs depending upon their funds utilization.
8.5 Grievance Handling and Escalation
a. Ensure all cases escalated to him are resolved on a timely basis.
b. Ensure successful management of the National Level Technical Support Desk for the system.
Annexure –D
Notification in accordance with Section-7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016
Annexure – E
Means for Verification of the Conditionalities
Condition Means of Verification
First Instalment
 Early Registration of Pregnancy.
(within 150 days from the date of LMP)
 MCP card duly certified by officer / functionary of Health
Department not below the rank of ANM
Second Instalment
 Received at least one Antenatal Check-up
(can be claimed after 6 months of
 MCP card duly certified by officer / functionary of Health
Department not below the rank of ANM
Third Instalment
 Child birth is registered.
 Child has received first cycle of BCG, OPV,
DPT and Hepatitis-B or its
 Photocopy of Birth Certificate (provisional) issued by
competent authority of the State/UT.
 MCP Card with immunization details duly by an
officer/functionary of Health Department not below the rank
of ANMs.
Annexure – F
1. National PMMVY Cell
i. Joint Secretary, PMMVY
ii. Director, PMMVY
iii. Director, NIC
iv. Under Secretary, PMMVY
v. National Programme Coordinator
i. Provide techno-managerial support for roll-out of the scheme.
ii. Issue need-based guidelines for effective implementation of the scheme.
iii. Facilitate capacity building under the scheme.
iv. Ensure timely release of funds to States/UTs.
v. Set up a monitoring, review and evaluation system to monitor and evaluate the scheme.
vi. Visit to States/UTs districts for monitoring the implementation of the scheme.
vii. Converge, coordinate and facilitate advocacy and awareness generation on health and nutrition issues
of pregnant women and lactating mothers.
viii. Monitor State/UT PMMVY Cells.
ix. Document progress, State initiatives and lessons learned.
x. Monitoring of availability of funds in Escrow accounts of States/UTs.
2. State PMMVY Cell:
i. Principle Secretary/ Secretary, PMMVY
ii. Director, PMMVY
iii. Nodal Officer, PMMVY
iv. State Programme Coordinator
i. Facilitate and monitor roll out of the scheme in the State/UT.
ii. Facilitate issuance of State-specific guidelines for effective implementation of the scheme.
iii. Conduct and coordinate need-based sensitization programs, training and refresher courses for all
stakeholders/ service providers involved in implementation of the Scheme.
iv. Ensure timely payment of benefits to beneficiaries.
v. Ensure State/UT level and District-level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring committee are functional and
meet regularly.
vi. Coordinate with H&FW Department for adequate health supplies, ANC and vaccination.
vii. Set up monitoring and supervision system for the scheme.
viii. Field visits to monitor the implementation of the scheme.
ix. Compile and review reports received from the districts and share with MWCD.
x. Ensure monthly review meetings of district cell.
xi. Liaise with Banks and Post offices for ensuring effective implementation of the Scheme.
xii. Document best practices.
xiii. Ensure setting up or coordination with Aadhaar enrolment centres for enrolment of beneficiary and her
3. District PMMVY Cell
ii. CDPOs/MOs
iii. District Coordinator
i. Operationalize PMMVY in all projects/ health blocks and AWCs/ Villages (including urban AWCs and mini
ii. Implement state-specific guidelines issued
iii. Conduct training and refreshers for all stakeholders/service providers in the districts.
iv. Facilitate regular district-level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring committee meetings.
v. Coordinate with H&FW Department for timely ANC of beneficiaries and vaccination of children.
vi. Compile the project-level reports received and prepare a monthly progress report for district.
vii. Visit the AWC/ Villages to assess functioning of scheme.
viii. Liaise with other Departments, Banks and Post offices for ensuring incentive reaches the beneficiary on
ix. Coordinate with and inform the PMMVY State/UT Cell, as and when needed.
x. Ensure setting up or coordination with Aadhaar enrolment centres for enrolment of beneficiary and her
Financial provisions under the PMMVY
1. PMMVY Section/Cell at Centre*
a. Non-Recurring ₹ 8,70,000
b. Recurring ₹ 4,14,40,000 per annum
2. State/UT level PMMVY Cell*
a. Non-Recurring ₹ 4,85,000 per State/UT PMMVY Cell
b. Recurring ₹ 1,75,60,000 per State/UT PMMVY Cell per
3. District level PMMVY Cell*
a. Non-Recurring ₹ 2,88,000 per District PMMVY Cell
b. Recurring ₹ 45,20,000 per District PMMVY Cell per annum
4. Cost of Conditional Cash Transfer** ₹ 5000 per beneficiary
5. Training, Capacity Building & IEC Separate provisions have been made at Centre,
State and Districts level
6. Contingency Separate provisions have been made at Centre,
State and Districts level
7. Flexi Funds @ 10% of total expenditure in State/UT
* Details in table on next page
** Expenditure will depend on number of beneficiaries
Budgetary norms for PMMVY Cells
1. National PMMVY Section/Cell
Sl. No. Item Amount (in ₹)
I. Non-recurring Expenditure
1 Furniture and other office equipment (tables, chairs, cupboards, fax, Xerox
machine, etc.)
2 Ten Computers/Laptops with Web Cam and UPS @ ₹ 35,000/- and ten
Printers cum Scanners @ ₹ 12,000/-
Total Non-recurring Expenditure 8,70,000
II. Recurring Expenditure
3 Staff Salary per annum
1 Directors (37,400-67,000)+ GP 8,700 14,16,000
1 Under Secretary (15,600-39,100)+ GP 6,600 8,76,000
1 Section Officer(9,300-34,800)+ GP 4,800 7,68,000
1 Assistant (9,300-34,800)+ GP 4,600 7,32,000
1 Accountant (9,300-34,800)+ GP 4,200 7,32,000
1 UDC/LDC (5,200-20,200)+GP 2,400 4,35,600
1 PS for Director (9,300-34,800)+ GP 4,800 7,68,000
1 PA for Under Secretary (Grade-C) (9,300-34,800)+ GP 4,200 7,32,000
1 Peon (4,400-7,440)+ GP 1800 1,80,000
1 National Program Coordinator (Contractual) @ ₹ 80,000/- 9,60,000
1 Data Entry Operators (Contractual ) @ ₹ 20,000 2,40,000
Total Salary(A) 78,39,600
4 Travel allowance for PMMVY staff at applicable Central Government rates
(as per actual)
5 Administrative Expenses (water, electricity, postage, stationary, telephone
with STD, etc.) @ ₹ 20,000 per month
6 Review Meetings , Research, Conference, and Workshops 2,00,00,000
7 Information, Education and Communication 2,00,00,000
8 Miscellaneous Contingencies 2,00,000
Total (B) 4,14,40,000
Total Recurring Expenditure (A+B) 4,92,79,600
2. State Level
Sl. No. Item Amount (in ₹)
I. Non-recurring Expenditure
Furniture and other office equipment (tables, chairs, cupboards, fax, Xerox machine,
Five Computers/Laptops with Web Cam and UPS @ ₹ 35,000/- and Five Printers cum
Scanners @ ₹ 12,000/-
Total Non-recurring Expenditure 4,85,000
II. Recurring Expenditure
per annum
3 Staff Remuneration
i) 1 State Programme Coordinator (Contractual) @ ₹ 45,000 per month 5,40,000
ii) 1 Programme Assistant (Contractual) @ ₹ 25,000 per month 3,00,000
Total Salary (A) 8,40,000
Rent for hiring the space (if not available within the premises of the State PMMVY
Cell) @ ₹ 30,000 per month x 12 months (as per actuals)
Travel allowance for PMMVY staff at applicable State Government rates (as per
Administrative Expenses (hiring of vehicle, water, electricity, postage, stationary,
telephone with STD, Xeroxing, etc.) @ ₹ 1,00,000 per month
7 Capacity Building up to CDPO/Health Block level (for four days training in a year) 50,00,000
8 Information, Education and Communication Material for State/District level 1,00,00,000
9 Contingency for Miscellaneous expenses (including convening meetings etc.) 5,00,000
Total (B) 1,75,60,000
Total Recurring Expenditure (A+B) 1,84,00,000
3. District Level
Sl. No. Item Amount (in ₹)
I. Non-recurring Expenditure
1 Furniture and other office equipment (tables, chairs, cupboards, fax, Xerox
machine, etc.)
2 Four Computers /Laptop with Web Cam and UPS @ ₹ 35,000 and One Printers
cum Scanners @ ₹ 12,000
Total Non-recurring Expenditure 2,88,000
II. Recurring Expenditure
3 Staff Remuneration per annum
i) 1 District Coordinator (Contractual) @ ₹ 35,000 per month 4,20,000
ii) 1 Programme Assistant (Contractual) @ ₹ 20,000 per month 2,40,000
Total Salary (A) 6,60,000
4 Rent for hiring the space (if not available within the premises of the District
PMMVY Cell) @ ₹ 10,000 per month x 12 months (as per actuals)
5 Travel allowance for District PMMVY Cell staff at applicable State Government
rates (as per actual)
6 Administrative Expenses (hiring of vehicle, water, electricity, postage,
stationary, telephone with STD, Xeroxing, etc.) @ ₹ 25,000 per month
7 Capacity Building of Supervisors/ANMs and AWWs/ASHA (for four days
training in a year)
8 Information, Education and Communication Material for District/Project level 10,00,000
9 Contingency for Miscellaneous expenses (including management of program
at Block level etc.)
Total (B) 45,20,000
Total Recurring Expenditure (A+B) 51,80,000
Note: District cell in all districts
Annexure H
Guidelines for Flexi-Funds within Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Annexure I
Banking Arrangements of the State/District Level implementing Agencies
handling Central Sector/Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Annexure J
a) The officer at Project/ Health Block level will generate an Anganwadi Centre /Village wise registration
and payment status report and handover to respective Supervisor/ANM.
i. Copy of these reports shall be displayed at the notice board of AWC/ Village/ Approved Health
Facility for information of beneficiaries.
ii. These reports should be used by the field functionary to update the records in the PMMVY
b) In case of UIDAI and PFMS verification errors in a beneficiary record, the rejection reason captured in
the software will be written by the officer on the physical form of the beneficiary concerned.
i. The officer will need to make Anganwadi Centre/ Village/ Health Facility wise bundles of
erroneous physical form(s) and handover to respective Supervisor/ANM for corrective action.
ii. As per the status report received from Project Office/ Health Block Office, the Supervisor/ANM
ensure that necessary steps are taken by the AWW/ASHA/ANM for all beneficiaries whose
registration or payment has failed due to incorrect or incomplete information.
iii. The AWW/ASHA/ANM should contact the applicant and necessary corrections to the form(s)
are to be made using a Fresh form.
iv. The Fresh form along with the Old form(s) should be submitted to the Supervisor/ANM for
processing within 30 days of its receipt.
v. In the event of migration of applicant, a message is to be sent to the applicant if feasible.
c) For any report generated Aadhaar Number, Bank Account, Mobile Number of beneficiary should be
masked in xxxx xxxx 1234 format (only last 4 digits should be visible in publically visible reports.
Annexure K
PMMVY Steering and Monitoring Committees
Steering and Monitoring Committees will review and monitor progress of the Scheme and strengthen the
coordination and convergence between concerned departments. For effective monitoring of the scheme, the
PMMVY software will provide dashboards and reports for each level of hierarchy for the scheme. The
committee members need to intensively monitor the programme and analyse the reports in detail. Thus, these
committees will also consider the bottlenecks faced in the implementation and suggest appropriate
mechanisms for improving the implementation.
1. National-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee (PMMVY)
Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child-development Chairperson
Advisor, NITI Aayog Member
Secretary or representative, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Member
Secretary or representative, Ministry of Panchayati Raj Member
Secretary or representative, Department of Expenditure Member
Secretary or representative, Department of Financial Services Member
Secretary or representative, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Member
Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat Member
DG, NIC Member
Director General, Department of Post Member
Joint CGA, PFMS Member
JS&FA, MWCD Member
Joint Secretary, In-charge of the Programme Member Secretary
Others (may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson) Special Invitees
The Committee will meet Quarterly, or earlier if required, at the discretion of the Chairperson.
Overall Responsibility of the committee will be, but not limited to:
a. Policy and programmatic guidance on PMMVY.
b. Effective monitoring, analysis of programme implementation experience, feedback and midcourse
corrections, conduct of comprehensive field based reviews and commissioning
independent evaluation/studies as needed.
c. Plan and administer the Scheme by coordinating with respective State/UT Implementing
d. Conduct in-depth analysis of the scheme performance and provide guidance to the states to
ensure targeted performance levels.
e. Ensure public information, social audits, grievance redressal and other public accountability
mechanisms function effectively.
2. PMMVY State/UT-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee
Secretary, Implementing Department Chairperson
Secretary, WCD/ Health & Family Welfare Department Member
Secretary, Institutional Finance Department/Banking Member
Secretary, Panchayati Raj Department Member
Secretary, Planning Member
Secretary, IT Member
Secretary, Sanitation & Drinking Water Member
Nodal Officer, PMMVY Member Secretary
Others (may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson) Invited Member
This Committee will meet Quarterly, or earlier if required, at the discretion of the Chairperson
While recognizing the leadership and implementation role of the states, it is expected that the
State/UT would ensure, but not limited to:
a) Effective monitoring of Scheme implementation
b) Conduct of comprehensive field based reviews
c) Conduct in-depth analysis of the scheme performance and provide guidance to the relevant
districts to ensure targeted performance levels.
d) Ensure public information, social audits, grievance redressal and other public accountability
e) Ensure fund availability in scheme account, internet connectivity and proper infrastructure at
data entry level
f) Make State, District, and Block / Project level offices responsible for
a. Planning
b. Community awareness and mobilization
c. Capacity building at village level
d. Monitoring and feedback
3. PMMVY District-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee
District Collector/ District Magistrate Chairperson
Chief District Health Officer/CMO* Member
Concerned Officers’ of Lead Bank & GPO Member
All CDPOs/MOs of the district Members
District Programme Officer, WCD/Health* Member Secretary
Others (may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson) Invited Members
This Committee will meet bi-monthly.
*CMO will also be the District Programme Officer for the State/UT where Department of Health is the
implementing department
Overall Responsibility of the committee will be, but not limited to:
a) Effective monitoring of Scheme implementation and monitoring
b) Grievance Redressal
4. PMMVY Block-Level Steering and Monitoring Committee
Sub-district magistrate / Block Development Officer Chairperson
All Supervisors/ANMs Member
CDPO/MO Member Secretary
Others (may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson) Invited Members
This Committee will meet monthly.
Overall Responsibility of the committee will be, but not limited to:
a) Effective monitoring of Scheme implementation and monitoring
b) Grievance Redressal
5. PMMVY Village-Level Monitoring and Supervision Committee
Village Health and Sanitation Committee should also be monitoring this Scheme during its meetings.
Additionally, Branch Manager of Bank/ Post-Office In-charge should be included as members of this committee
for review of the PMMVY.
Overall Responsibility of the committee will be, but not limited to:
a) Effective monitoring of Scheme implementation and monitoring
b) Grievance Redressal
Annexure L
First Cycle of Immunization
National Immunization Schedule (NIS) for Infants : First Cycle of Immunization
Vaccine When to give Dose Route Site
BCG At birth or as early as possible till
one year of age
0.1ml (0.05ml
until 1 month of
Intra -dermal Left Upper Arm
Hepatitis B - Birth dose At birth or as early as possible
within 24 hours
0.5 ml Intra-muscular Anterolateral side of
OPV-0 At birth or as early as possible
within the first 15 days
2 drops Oral Oral
OPV 1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 2 drops Oral Oral
DPT 1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Anterolateral side of
Hepatitis B 1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 0.5 ml Intra-muscular Anterolateral side of
Pentavalent 1,2 & 3 * At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks 0.5 ml Intramuscular Anterolateral side of
— * In select cities, Pentavalent 1,2 & 3 is introduced in place of DPT 1,2 and 3 Hepatitis B 1,2 & 3.
Annexure M
List of 53 Districts under Old MBP (IGMSY)
Sl. No. State/UT Districts
1. Andaman and Nicobar Island South Andaman
2. Andhra Pradesh West Godavari
3. Arunachal Pradesh Papum pare
4. Assam Kamrup, Goalpara
5. Bihar Vaishali, Saharsa
6. Chandigarh Chandigarh
7. Chhattisgarh Dhamtari, Bastar
8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli
9. Daman and Diu Diu
10. Delhi West, North West
11. Goa North Goa
12. Gujarat Bharuch, Patan
13. Haryana Panchkula
14. Himachal Pradesh Hamirpur
15. J & K Kathua, Anantnag
16. Jharkhand East Singh Bhumi, Simdega
17. Karnataka Kolar, Dharwad
18. Kerala Palakkad
19. Lakshadweep Lakshadweep
20. Madhya Pradesh Chindwara, Sagar
21. Maharashtra Bhandara, Amravati
22. Manipur Tamenglong
23. Meghalaya East Garo Hills
24. Mizoram Lawngtlai
25. Nagaland Kohima
26. Orissa Bargarh, Sundargarh
27. Pondicherry Yanam
28. Punjab Amritsar, Kapurthala
29. Rajasthan Bhilwara , Udaipur
30. Sikkim West Sikkim
31. Tamil Nadu Cuddalore, Erode
32. Telangana Nalgonda
33. Tripura Dhalai
34. Uttarakhand Dehradun
35. Uttar Pradesh Mahoba, Sultanpur, Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Nagar
36. West Bengal Jalpaiguri, Bankura
PMMVY Form 1: Registration and Submission of Claims
Form 1-A
*Mandatory fields
1. Beneficiary Details
i. Does Beneficiary have an Aadhaar card?* Yes ; No
If Yes,
ii. Name of Beneficiary (as in Aadhaar Card)*:
iii. Aadhaar Number*:
(Enclose copy of Aadhaar Card)
If No,
iv. Aadhaar Enrolment ID (EID):
v. Name of Beneficiary (as in Identity Card)*:
vi. Identity Number*:
(Enclose copy of Identity Card)
vii. Identity Proof provided:
a) Bank or Post Office photo passbook
b) Voter ID Card
c) Ration Card
d) Kishan Photo Passbook
e) Passport
f) Driving License
g) PAN Card
h) MGNREGS Job Card
i) Her husband’s Employee Photo Identity Card
issued by the Government or any Public Sector
j) Any other Photo Identity Card issued by State
Government or Union Territory
k) Certificate of identity with photograph issued
by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead;
l) Health Card issued by Primary Health Centre
(PHC) or Government Hospital;
m) Any other document specified by the State
Government or Union Territory Administration
2. Husband Details
i. Does Husband have an Aadhaar card?* Yes ; No
If Yes,
ii. Name of Husband (as in Aadhaar Card)*:
iii. Aadhaar Number of Husband*:
(Enclose copy of Husband’s Aadhaar Card)
If No,
iv. Aadhaar Enrolment ID (EID):
v. Name of Beneficiary (as in Identity Card)*:
vi. Identity Number*:
(Enclose copy of Identity Card)
vii. Identity Proof provided:
a) Bank or Post Office photo passbook
b) Voter ID Card
c) Ration Card
d) Kishan Photo Passbook
e) Passport
f) Driving License
g) PAN Card
h) MGNREGS Job Card
i) Her husband’s Employee Photo Identity Card
issued by the Government or any Public Sector
j) Any other Photo Identity Card issued by State
Government or Union Territory Administrations;
k) Certificate of identity with photograph issued by a
Gazetted Officer in his official letterhead;
l) Health Card issued by Primary Health Centre (PHC)
or Government Hospital;
m) Any other document specified by the State
Government or Union Territory Administration
3. Address (Present Residence Address)*:
House No/ Bldg./Apt. ______________________ Street/Road/Lane __________________________
Landmark _______________________________ Area/locality/sector _________________________
Village/Town/City___________________________ Post Office ________________________________
District _________________________________ Sub-District ________________________________
State/UT__________________________________ PIN CODE _________________________________
4. Mobile No: _________________________________________
5. Applying for*: 1st Instalment ; 2nd Instalment ; 3rd Instalment
6. Last Menstrual Period (LMP) Date*: ________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) (enclose copy of MCP
card)(this field is mandatory for claiming 1st and/or 2nd installment)
7. Date of registration of MCP card at AWC/ Village / Approved Health Facility*: ________________________
(dd/mm/yyyy) (enclose copy of MCP card)
8. Number of living child prior to the pregnancy/delivery for which claiming benefits under the scheme
*: ___________________
9. Category*: SC/ST/ OTHERS
10. Details of Bank / Post Office Account (enclose copy of page of Pass Book showing name, account number
and bank name)*:
i. Name as in Bank / P.O. Account: ______________________________________
ii. Account Number: ______________________________________
iii. Bank Name/ I.P.P.B Branch Name: ______________________________________
iv. Branch Name (in case of Bank Account): ______________________________________
v. IFSC Code (in case of a Bank Account): ______________________________________
vi. Address of P.O.(in case of P.O) : ______________________________________
vii. PIN Code of P.O. (in case of P.O): ______________________________________
viii. Is the P.O/ Bank Account Aadhaar seeded? □ Yes □ No
11. Was the beneficiary enrolled in old MBP scheme? □ Yes □ No
12. If yes, please put √ on the instalment already received by beneficiary under old MBP.
□ None □ 1st Instalment (₹ 3000/-) □ 2nd Instalment (₹ 3000/-)
13. Undertaking by Beneficiary*
I, hereby, solemnly affirm as follows:
a. that I am not an employee of the Central/ State Government/ Public Sector Undertaking,
b. that I am not eligible for maternity benefits through my employer,
c. Select any one of below,
i. Beneficiary having Aadhaar
I hereby give my consent in accordance with the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and regulations thereof
for using my Aadhaar to establish and authenticate my identity and verify information
given by me to the respective sources to avail the benefits under the PMMVY. The
Department shall not further share my identity information to any other entity or for any
other purpose without my specific consent.
ii. Beneficiary without Aadhaar
I am providing a valid identification, in lieu of Aadhaar, I affirm that I do not have an
Aadhaar as on the date of this application. I affirm that I have applied for obtaining my
Aadhaar number and have furnished my Aadhaar Enrolment ID (EID) for the same and
agree to furnish my Aadhaar details as soon as it is available to me. If I have not provided
my enrolment ID it is only because I have not been able to enrol for Aadhaar although I am
willing to do so. I also provide my consent for making use of my other identification for
availing the benefit under this scheme.
d. That I have not used Aadhaar or other identification in violation of the provisions under this
e. The bank account details provided by me are for my personal unshared bank account only.
f. I give my consent for use of information regarding my pregnancy in order to avail benefits under
this scheme.
g. __________________________________ (Name of Husband, as mentioned in the form) is my
Husband and if this pregnancy leads to a successful delivery, the child will the first living child
for both of us.
The aforesaid statements made by me are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature/Thumb Impression of beneficiary Date Place
14. Undertaking by Husband*
I, hereby, solemnly affirm as follows:
a. Select any one of below,
i. Hereby give my consent in accordance with the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and regulations thereof
for using my Aadhaar to establish and authenticate my identity and verify information
given by me to the respective sources to avail the benefits under the scheme. The
Department shall not further share my identity information to any other entity or for any
other purpose without my specific consent.
ii. That in the event I am providing a valid identification, in lieu of Aadhaar, I affirm that I do
not have an Aadhaar as on the date of this application. I affirm that I have applied for
obtaining my Aadhaar number and have furnished my enrolment ID for the same and agree
to furnish my Aadhaar details as soon as it is available to me. If I have not provided my
enrolment ID it is only because I have not been able to enrol for Aadhaar although I am
willing to do so I also provide my consent for making use of my other identification for
availing the benefit under this scheme.
b. That I have not used Aadhaar or other identification in violation of the provisions under this
c. ________________________________________ (Name of Wife, as mentioned in the form) is
my wife and if this pregnancy leads to a successful delivery, the child will the first living child for
both of us.
The aforesaid statements made by me are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature/Thumb Impression of beneficiaries’ husband Date Place
15. Health ID of beneficiary: _________________________________________
Details to be filled by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM*
16. Details of Anganwadi Centre/Approved Health Facility
Anganwadi Centre Name/Approved Health Facility Name: __________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village/Town Name: ____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Project: _____________________________________
District*: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
17. Checklist of documents enclosed:
S.No Document to be enclosed (Photocopy to be
Document Enclosed
Yes- Y
No – N
Not Applicable- NA
1 Aadhaar Card of beneficiary
2 Identity Card of beneficiary (in case Aadhaar not
3 Aadhaar Card of Husband
4 Identity Card of husband (in case Aadhaar not
5 Aadhaar Enrolment slip of beneficiary (in case
Aadhaar not available)
6 Aadhaar Enrolment slip of Husband (in case Aadhaar
not available)
7 MCP Card
8 Page of Pass Book showing name, account number
and bank name
Date of Registration under PMMVY at Anganwadi Centre /Village (dd/mm/yy)*: ---------/-----------/---------------
Date of submission to Supervisor / ANM (dd/mm/yy)*: ---------/-----------/---------------
Signature Date Place
Verification by Supervisor / ANM*
I, Smt._______________________ have verified the information captured in this form and that the form is duly
Signature Date Sector Code
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement to be given to the beneficiary* (by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM)
Village/Town Name: ____________________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Sector Name: _____________________________________
Project/Health Block Name: _____________________________________
District: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
Smt.*___________________ (Name) has submitted duly filled Form 1-A along with documents as per checklist
on _________ (Date).
Signature Date Place
Form 1-B
Mandatory fields*
1. I, Smt. _________________________ (Registration name of beneficiary)*had registered under the PMMVY
scheme with Anganwadi Centre / Approved Health Facility /Village _______________________
2. Aadhaar/Identity number of beneficiary*: ____________________ (enclose copy of proof)
Identity Proof provided (tick one, as appropriate):
a) Bank or Post Office photo passbook
b) Voter ID Card
c) Ration Card
d) Kishan Photo Passbook
e) Passport
f) Driving License
g) PAN Card
h) MGNREGS Job Card
i) Her husband’s Employee Photo Identity Card issued by the Government or any Public Sector
j) Any other Photo Identity Card issued by State Government or Union Territory Administrations;
k) Certificate of identity with photograph issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead;
l) Health Card issued by Primary Health Centre (PHC) or Government Hospital;
m) Any other document specified by the State Government or Union Territory Administration
3. Date of registration under PMMVY at Anganwadi Centre /Village*: -- --/-- --/-- --
4. ANC Date*: -- --/-- --/-- --
5. Tick yes, if already registered under the scheme*: Yes No
(If no, then fill Form 1-A) (If yes, enclose copy of acknowledgement slip)*
6. Date of claiming the second instalment under PMMVY scheme* : -- --/-- --/-- --
(Enclose a copy of MCP Card, and Aadhaar/Identity Card)*
7. Health ID of beneficiary: _________________________________________
Signature/Thumb Impression Date Place
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
8. Details to be filled by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM
Anganwadi Centre Name/Approved Health Facility Name: __________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village/Town Name: ____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Project: _____________________________________
District*: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
9. Checklist of documents enclosed:
S.No Document to be enclosed Document Enclosed
Yes- Y
1 Aadhaar/Identity Card of beneficiary
(Identity Card should be same as the one used for
registration under the scheme)
2 MCP Card with ANC Details
3 Acknowledgement Slip
Date of claiming second instalment under PMMVY scheme at Anganwadi Centre /Village (dd/mm/yy)*:
Date of submission to Supervisor / ANM*: ---------/-----------/---------------
Signature Date Place
Verification by Supervisor / ANM*
I, Smt._______________________ (Name of Supervisor / ANM)* have verified the information captured in this
form and that the form is duly complete.
Signature Date Sector Code
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement to be given to the beneficiary* (by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM)
Village/Town Name*: ____________________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Sector Name: _____________________________________
Project/health Block Name: _____________________________________
District: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
Smt.*___________________ (Name) has submitted duly filled Form 1-B along with documents as per checklist
on _________ (Date).
Signature Date Place
Form 1-C
Mandatory fields*
1. Name of beneficiary*: ___________________
2. Aadhaar/ Identity number of beneficiary*: ____________________
Identity Proof provided (tick one, as appropriate):
a) Bank or Post Office photo passbook
b) Voter ID Card
c) Ration Card
d) Kishan Photo Passbook
e) Passport
f) Driving License
g) PAN Card
h) MGNREGS Job Card
i) Her husband’s Employee Photo Identity Card issued by the Government or any Public Sector Undertaking;
j) Any other Photo Identity Card issued by State Government or Union Territory Administrations;
k) Certificate of identity with photograph issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead;
l) Health Card issued by Primary Health Centre (PHC) or Government Hospital;
m) Any other document specified by the State Government or Union Territory Administration
Note: Alternate ID for claiming this installment will be accepted only in Jammu and Kashmir,
Assam and Meghalaya.
3. Date of delivery*: ____________________
4. Did the delivery take place in a Government approved facility?*: Yes No
a. If yes, Name of Government approved facility_______________________________________
5. Tick yes, if already registered under the scheme: Yes No (If no, then fill Form 1-A)(If yes, enclose
copy of Acknowledgement Slip)*
6. Gender of Child/ Children*:
a. □Male □Female (Please tick)
In case of multiple births, fill the following:
b. □Male □Female (Please tick) (in case of twins)
c. □Male □Female (Please tick) (in case of triplets)
d. □Male □Female (Please tick) (in case of quadruplets)
7. First cycle of Vaccinations given*:
a. BCG or equivalent/substitute : Yes No
b. OPV or equivalent/substitute: Yes No
c. DPT or equivalent/substitute: Yes No
d. Hepatitis- B or equivalent/substitute: Yes No
8. Date of completion of first cycle of vaccinations*: ________________
9. Tick ‘Yes’ if beneficiary reports case of any previous still births: Yes No
10. Enclose copies of*:
a. Child Birth Certificate
b. MCP card with immunization details
11. Health ID of beneficiary: _________________________________________
12. Details to be filled Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM
Anganwadi Centre Name/Approved Health Facility Name: __________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village/Town Name: ____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Project: _____________________________________
District*: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
Date of Claiming 3rd Instalment by beneficiary*: ---------/-----------/---------------
Date of submission to Supervisor / ANM*: ---------/-----------/---------------
13. Checklist of Documents enclosed:
S.No Document to be enclosed (photocopy to be
Document Enclosed
Yes- Y
1 Aadhaar Card of beneficiary
2 MCP Card with immunisation Details
3 Child Birth Certificate
4 Acknowledgement Slip
Signature/Thumb Impression Date Place
Verification by Supervisor / ANM*
I, Smt. ______________ have verified the information captured in the form and that the form is duly complete.
Signature Name Date Sector Code
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement to be given to beneficiary* (by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM)
Village/Town Name*: ____________________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Sector Name: _____________________________________
Project/health Block Name: _____________________________________
District*: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
Smt.*___________________ (Name) has submitted duly filled Form 1-C along with documents as per checklist
on _________ (Date).
Signature Date Place
PMMVY Form 2: Facilitation for documents required
Form 2-A
(Form-Filling and Submission to Bank to be facilitated by AWW/ ASHA /ANM)
Mandatory fields*
The Branch Manager
Bank …………………
Branch………………………. Date (dd/mm/yy):
Dear Sir/Madam,
Seeding of Aadhaar / UID Number with the account
Bank Account Number:
I am maintaining a Bank Account in name with above mentioned bank account number with your Branch
(Branch name…………………………………..). I submit my Aadhaar number and voluntarily give my consent to;
 Seed my Aadhaar/UID number issued by the UIDAI, Government of India in my name with my aforesaid
 Map it at NPCI to enable me to receive Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from Government of India in my above
account. I understand that if more than one Benefit transfer is due to me , I will receive all Benefit Transfers
in this account
 Use my Aadhaar details to authenticate me from UIDAI
 Use my mobile number and/or Email (if available) mentioned below for sending SMS alerts to me.
The particulars of the Aadhaar/ UID letter are as under:
Aadhaar number: ………………………………………………..
Name: ……………………………………… (As in Aadhaar card) (Enclose self-attested copy of Aadhaar)
I have been given to understand that my information submitted to the bank herewith shall not be used for any
purpose other than mentioned above, or as per requirements of law.
Yours faithfully,
Mobile No. ………………………… Email: ………………. (Signature/ Thumb impression of the account holder)
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Confirmation of insertion / seeding of Aadhaar number with Bank Account:
(To be provided to Beneficiary by Bank through AWW/ ASHA /ANM)
The following Account number:
Of Smt. ………………………….. with ………………………….. (Bank Name) Branch ……………………… has been seeded with
Aadhaar number …………………………………. and mobile number/Email-ID………………………………….
Date ……………. (Bank’s authorized official)
Form 2-B
(Form-Filling and Submission to Bank to be facilitated by AWW / ASHA /ANM)
Mandatory fields*
FULLNAME (Please leave one space between First, Middle and Last name)
Customer Name
Account Number
Aadhaar Number
Name on Aadhaar Card ________________________________
i)  I request you to seed my Aadhaar number with my aforesaid account.
ii)  I enclose the copy of the Aadhaar Card duly attested by me.
iii)  The particulars of the Aadhaar Number are as under:
I submit my Aadhaar number and voluntarily give my consent to:
• Seed my Aadhaar I UID number issued by the UIDAI, Government of India, in my name in the aforesaid
• Map it at NPCI to enable me to receive Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from Government of India in my
above account. I understand that if more than one Benefit transfer is due to me, I will receive all Benefit
Transfers in this account
• Use my Aadhaar details to authenticate me from UIDAI
• Use my mobile number which is registered with the Bank for sending SMS alerts to me
I the undersigned, have read, understood and agree to absolutely and unconditionally abide by and be bound
by the Terms and Conditions displayed on IPPB's website as revised from time to time, in relation to all of my I
our accounts, for present and future, maintained I opened I to be maintained I to be opened with India Post
Payments Bank.
(Signature/Thumb Impression of Beneficiary)
Date //
Enclosure: Self attested copy of my Aadhaar card *Please tick whichever is applicable.
For Post Office use only
The Aadhaar number
Of Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ____________________________________ has been seeded from the Account
with IPPB ____________________________________ Branch.
Name of Post Office Authorized Official ________________________________ Official ID
Signature of Post Office Authorized Official ___________________________________
Date //
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgment slip for Aadhaar seeding:
Customer Name _______________________________
Account Number
Name of Post Office Authorized Official ________________________________ Official ID
Signature of Post Office Authorized Official ___________________________________
Date //
Form 2-C
(Form-Filling and Submission to be facilitated by AWW / ASHA /ANM)
Aadhaar Enrolment is free and voluntary. Correction within 96 hours of enrolment is also free. No charges
are applicable for Form and Aadhaar Enrolment. In case of Correction provide your EID, Name and only that
field which needs Correction.
In case of Correction provide your EID No here: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dd |mm| yyyy|hh: mm: ss|
1 Pre-Enrolment ID : 2 NPR Receipt/TIN Number :
3 Full Name:
4 Gender: Male ( ) Female ( ) Transgender ( ) 5
Age: Yrs. OR Date of Birth:| DD | MM | YYYY |
Declared Verified
6 Address: C/o ( ) D/o ( ) S/o ( ) W/o ( ) H/o ( ) NAME
House No/ Bldg./Apt. Street/Road/Lane
Landmark Area/locality/sector
Village/Town/City Post Office
District Sub-District State
E Mail Mobile No | | | | | | | | | | | PIN CODE | | | | | | |
7 Details of : Father ( ) Mother ( ) Guardian ( ) Husband ( ) Wife ( )
For children below 5 years Father/Mother/Guardian’s details are mandatory. Adults can opt to not specify this information, if
they cannot/do not want to disclose.
EID/ Aadhaar No.: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dd |mm| yyyy|hh: mm: ss|
Verification Type : Document Based ( ) Introducer Based ( ) Head of Family ( )
Select only one of the above. Select Introducer or Head of Family only if you do not possess any documentary proof of identity and/or
address. Introducer and Head of Family details are not required in case of Document based Verification.
For Document Based (Write Names of the documents produced. Refer overleaf of this form for list of valid documents)
a. POI b. POA
c. DOB
(Mandatory in case of Verified Date of Birth)
d. POR
9 For Introducer Based – Introducer’s
Aadhaar No. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
For HoF Based - Details of : Father ( ) Mother ( ) Guardian ( ) Husband ( ) Wife (
HoF’s EId/Aadhaar No.: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dd |mm|
yyyy|hh: mm: ss|
I hereby confirm the identity and address of _as being true, correct and accurate.
Introducer/HoF’s Name: Signature of Introducer/HOF
I confirm that I have been residing in India for at least 182 days in the preceding 12 months & information
(including biometrics) provided by me to the UIDAI is my own and is true, correct and accurate. I am aware that
my information including biometrics will be used for generation of Aadhaar and authentication. I understand
that my identity information (except core biometric) may be provided to an agency only with my consent during
authentication or as per the provisions of the Aadhaar Act. I have a right to access my identity information
(except core biometrics) following the procedure laid down by UIDAI.
Verifier’s Stamp and Signature:
(Verifier must put his/her Name, if stamp is not available) Applicant’s signature/Thumbprint
To be filled by the Enrolment Agency only: Date & time of Enrolment: ----------------------------------------------------
Form 3
(Details to be filled by beneficiary and submitted to Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM)
(Mandatory fields)*
Name of beneficiary*: _________________________________
Aadhaar number/Aadhaar EID/Identity Number of beneficiary*: ______________________
Anganwadi Centre /Village Name*: _________________________________
Anganwadi Centre /Village Code*: _________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: _________________________________
Request for change (please tick) of*:
□ Address □Mobile number □ Bank account details □Name as in Aadhaar card
□ replacing Identity Proof with Aadhaar details
House number/Flat number:
Street/Building name:
Village/ Town/ City*:
P.O. Name:
PIN code*:
House number/Flat number:
Street/Building name:
Village/ Town/ City*:
P.O. Name:
PIN code*:
Mobile Number
Old*: New*:
Bank/ P.O. account details
Name as in Bank/P.O. account:
Account Number:
Bank Name/ P.O. Name:
Branch Name (in case of bank account):
IFSC Code (in case of a bank account):
Is the bank account Aadhaar seeded?
□ Yes □ No
Name as in Bank/P.O. account:
Account Number:
Bank Name/ P.O. Name:
Branch Name (in case of bank account):
IFSC Code (in case of a bank account):
Is the bank account Aadhaar seeded?
□ Yes □ No
Change in name as in Aadhaar
Name in Aadhaar*:
Name in Aadhaar*:
Replacing Identity Proof with Aadhaar
For Beneficiary or for Husband
Old details
i. Aadhaar Enrolment ID*:
ii. Name of Beneficiary (as in Identity Card)*:
iii. Identity Number*:
(enclose copy of Identity Card)
iv. Identity Card provided (tick appropriate):
a) Bank or Post Office photo passbook
b) Voter ID Card
c) Ration Card
d) Kishan Photo Passbook
e) Passport
f) Driving License
g) PAN Card
h) MGNREGS Job Card
i) Her husband’s Employee Photo Identity
Card issued by the Government or any
Public Sector Undertaking;
j) Any other Photo Identity Card issued by
State Government or Union Territory
New details
i. Name of Beneficiary (as in Aadhaar Card)*:
ii. Aadhaar Number*:
(enclose copy of Aadhaar Card)
Declaration by Beneficiary / Husband
(for whom this form is being filled) :
I, hereby, solemnly affirm that I provide my consent
for making use of my Aadhaar for availing the benefit
under this scheme,
Signature/Thumb Impression
Date Place
k) Certificate of identity with photograph
issued by a Gazetted Officer on official
l) Health Card issued by Primary Health
Centre (PHC) or Government Hospital;
m) Any other document specified by the
State Government or Union Territory
Details to be filled by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM
Anganwadi Centre Name/Approved Health Facility Name: __________________________
Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
Village/Town Name: ____________________________________
Village Code*: _____________________________________
Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
Post Office Name: _____________________________________
Project: _____________________________________
District*: _____________________________________
State/UT*: _____________________________________
Checklist of Documents enclosed:
S.No Document to be enclosed (Photocopy to be
Document Enclosed
Yes- Y
Not Applicable- NA
1 Latest Aadhaar Card of beneficiary
2 Old Aadhaar Card of beneficiary
3 Page of new Pass Book showing name, account
number and bank name
4 Copy of Alternate ID Card
(Identity Card should be same as the one used for
registration under the scheme)
Verification by Supervisor / ANM*
I, Smt. ____________________ have verified the information captured in this form and that the form is duly
Signature Date Sector Code
-------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement to be given to beneficiary (by Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM)*:
Smt.*___________________ (Name) has submitted duly filled Form 3 along with documents as per checklist on
_________ (Date).
The following sections were filled for updating the scheme database:
o Address
o Mobile Number
o Bank/ P.O. account details
o Change in name as in Aadhaar
o Replacing Other Identity Proof with Aadhaar details
Signature Name of AWW/ ASHA /ANM Date Place
Form 4
Form 4-A
1. Date of Opening of Register: ---------/-----------/---------------
2. Reporting Month and Year: ------------------------/----------------
3. Anganwadi Centre name*: _____________________________________
4. Anganwadi Centre Code*: _____________________________________
5. Approved Health Facility*: _____________________________________
6. Village/Town Name*: ____________________________________
7. Village Code (LGD Code)*: _____________________________________
8. Anganwadi Worker / ASHA /ANM Name*: ____________________________________
9. Post Office Name: _____________________________________
10. Name of Supervisor / ANM: _____________________________________
11. Project/health Block Name: _____________________________________
12. District*: _____________________________________
13. State/UT*: _____________________________________
14. Date of submission to Supervisor/ANM: ---------/-----------/---------------
15. Date of submission to CDPO/MO: ---------/-----------/---------------
Signature of AWW/ ASHA /ANM __________________
Signature of Supervisor/ANM __________________
Form 4-B
S. No
Full Name
(as in Aadhaar /
Alternate ID)
Number /
Alternate ID
(SC /
ST / Other)
Status in
Type of Beneficiary
(tick one)
Instalment(s) Received
(Write 1st/ 2nd/
3rdinstalment, as applicable.
OR ‘0’ if not applicable)
(Fill on receipt of details of payment
received from Supervisor/ANM)
Reasons for exit
from Scheme
(write relevant
- P
- L
Month of
/ Lactation
New Entries
(can be
more than
(can be
than one)
0- Received all
1- Out-migrated
2- Death of
3- Death of Child
4- Not traceable
for six weeks
5- Still Birth
6- Miscarriage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
L =
L =
2nd= 3rd=
Abstract of the Month:
Year :
Number of
Women (P)
Number of
Women (L)
P1 L1
P2 L2
P3 L3
P4 L4
P5 L5
P6 L6
Total P: Total L:
Grand Total (P+L):
Form 5
To be sent by email to MWCD by 5th of following month
State/UT Name
Name of the Bank
Account Number
IFS Code
Reporting month and
year (mm/yyyy)
Opening Balance on
Amount credited by
MWCD during the
Amount credited by
State/UT during the
Amount debited
towards maternity
benefits during the
Closing balance of
escrow account on
last day of the
reporting month
Details of State/UT Nodal Officer:
1) Name __________________________
2) Designation __________________________
3) Mobile Number __________________________
4) Signature _________________________
5) Date of reporting _____________________________
Name of the State/UT: ____________________________ Financial Year: ______________
Quarter: I (Apr-Jun)/ II (Jul-Sep)/ III (Oct-Dec)/ IV (Jan-Mar)
Certified that out of ₹______________________ of grant-inaid
sanctioned upto the I/II/II/IV Quarter of year ___________
in favour of _______________________________ under this
Ministry/ Department letter(s) number given in the margin
and ₹ ______________________ on account of unspent
balance of the previous year, a sum of ₹
_____________________ has been utilized for the purpose of
________________________________ for which it was
sanctioned and that the balance of ₹
_____________________________ remaining unutilized at
the end of the Quarter I/II/III/IV of the year.
Certified that I have satisfied myself that the
conditions on which the grants-in-aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled and that I have exercised the following
checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Kinds of checks exercised:
Signature _________________________
Designation __________________________
Date _____________________________
Sanction Nos. & Date Amount
(in ₹)
5. Unspent balance of
Previous Year
6. Total
1. Number of PMMVY Projects/Health Blocks: ____________
2. Number of PMMVY AWCs/VILLAGES: ______________
3. Details of Contractual Staff:
Name of Post No.
No. in
( in ₹ )
Expenditure in
Quarter I/II/III/IV
(in ₹ Lakhs)
Expenditure Upto
Quarter I/II/III/IV
(in ₹ Lakhs)
1. State Programme Coordinator
2. State Programme Assistant
3. District Programme Coordinator
4. District Programme Assistant
In Quarter
Cumulative up to the
Quarter I/II/III/ IV
4. Number of beneficiaries who received (put up details from PMMVYCAS):
1st Instalment ________ __________
2nd Instalment ________ __________
3rd Instalment ________ __________
5. No. of beneficiaries who received all due instalments: ________ ________
6. A. Number of Project/Health block -level PMMVY steering and monitoring
committee meeting held:
________ ________
B. Number of District-level PMMVY steering and monitoring committee
meeting held: ________ ________
C. Number of State-level PMMVY steering and monitoring committee
meeting held:
________ ________
________ ________
7. Pending cases in the Quarter
8. Number of beneficiaries whose payments were due in the quarter but not
received their due instalment ________ _________
9. Reason for delay in payment
Signature and seal of the Authorized Officer
Name: __________________
Designation: __________________
Contact details: ______________________
Centre Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
State Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
1. Funds released during previous financial year ________ ________
2. Expenditure incurred in previous financial year
________ ________
3. (a) Unutilized balance of previous financial year (1.-2.)
(b) Excess expenditure incurred in previous financial year (2. -1.) ________ ________
4. Funds released by end of Quarter I/II/III/IV in current year
(Sanction Order No. ______________Date: ___________) ________ ________
(Sanction Order No. ______________Date: ___________) ________ ________
(Sanction Order No. ______________Date: ___________) ________ ________
(Sanction Order No. ______________Date: ___________) ________ ________
Net funds available [4. + 3. (a) OR 4. – 3. (b) as the case may be]
________ ________
7. Unutilized Funds ________ ________ ________ ________
8. Excess expenditure ________ ________ ________ ________
6. Expenditure incurred during the Quarter
Central Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
State Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
In Quarter
Cumulative up to
the Quarter I/
In Quarter
Cumulative up
to the Quarter
6. a. Cost of Conditional Cash Transfer to Beneficiaries
(details to be filled up from Escrow Account)
i. First Instalment ________ ________ ________ ________
ii. Second Instalment ________ ________ ________ ________
iii. Third Instalment ________ ________ ________ ________
6. b. State PMMVY Cell _________ ________ ________ ________
6. c. District PMMVY Cell _________ ________ ________ ________
6. d. Training, Capacity Building and IEC _________ ________ ________ ________
6. e. Contingency _________ ________ ________ ________
6. f. Total _________ ________ ________ ________
Signature and seal of the Authorized Officer
Name : __________________
Designation: __________________
Contact Number: ______________________
Name of the State/UT Financial Year
Name of the State/UT: ____________________________ Financial Year: ______________
Certified that out of ₹ ______________________ of grant-in-aid
sanctioned during the year ___________ in favour of
_______________________________ under this Ministry/
Department letter(s) number given in the margin and ₹
______________________ on account of unspent balance of the
previous year, a sum of ₹ _____________________ has been
utilized for the purpose of
________________________________ for which it was
sanctioned and that the balance of ₹
_____________________________ remaining unutilized at the
end of the year will be adjusted towards the grant-in-aid payable
during the next year _______________.
Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which the grants-in-aid was sanctioned have been
duly fulfilled and that I have exercised the following checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose
for which it was sanctioned.
Kinds of checks exercised:
Signature and Seal of the Authorised Officer _________________________
Designation __________________________
Date _____________________________
Sanction Nos. & Date Amount
(in ₹)
5. Unspent balance of
Previous Year
6. Total
1. Number of PMMVY Projects/Health Blocks:
2. Number of PMMVY AWC/ VILLAGEs:
3. Details of Contractual Staff:
Name of Post No.
No. in
(in ₹)
Total actual yearly
(in ₹ lakhs)
1. State Programme Coordinator
2. State Programme Assistant
3. District Programme Coordinator
4. District Programme Assistant
4. Number of beneficiaries who received: (from PMMVY-CAS)
1st Instalment: _______________
2nd Instalment: _______________
3rd Instalment: _______________
5. Number of beneficiaries who received all due instalments: _________
A. Number of Project/Health block -level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring
Committee meeting held this year: ______________
B. Number of District-level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring
Committee meeting held this year: ______________
C. Number of State-level PMMVY Steering and Monitoring
Committee meeting held this year: ______________
7. Pending cases at the end of current year: _______________
8. No. of beneficiaries whose payments were due in the year
but not received their due instalment: _________________
9. Reasons for delay in Payment __________________
Signature and seal of the Authorized Officer
Name: __________________
Designation: __________________Contact details: ______________________
Centre Share
(in ₹ Lakhs)
1. Funds released during previous financial year ________
2. Expenditure incurred in previous financial year
3. (a) Unutilized balance of previous financial year (1-2)
(b) Excess expenditure incurred in previous financial year (2-1) ________
Quarter Sanction Order
(In ₹)
Received by the
State on date
Quarter I (Apr-Jun)
Quarter II (Jul-Sept)
Quarter III (Oct-Dec)
Quarter IV (Jan-Mar)
5 Net funds available [4 + 3 (a) OR 4 - 3 (b)] as the case may be] __________
Signature and seal of the Authorized Officer
Name: __________________
Designation: __________________
Contact Number: ______________________
Central Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
State Share
( in ₹ Lakhs )
6. Expenditure incurred during the year
6. a. Cost of Conditional Cash Transfer to Beneficiaries
i. First Instalment ________ ________
ii. Second Instalment ________ ________
iii. Third Instalment ________ ________
6. b. State PMMVY Cell ________ ________
6. c. District PMMVY Cell ________ ________
6. d. Training, Capacity Building and IEC _________ ________
6. e. Contingency _________ ________
6. f. Total _________ ________
7 Unutilized Funds _________ ________
8 Reasons:
7. _
8. ____________________________________
9 Excess Expenditure _________ ________


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